2022谷歌广告最新教程 by shine
公司名was established on 年月日. We self-built the website 网站to 网站售卖的商品或服务. Since the establishment of the company, we have sold such products on Amazon and other platforms for nearly 2 years. Customers give good feedback to our products. We often receive emails from customers who have already purchased several orders from our website and expressed satisfaction with our products.(根据实际情况介绍一两句业务、公司情况)
We would like to use Google Search Ads to get more traffic and orders, but we found that recently our account was suspended because of Circumventing systems policy. Because we are in China, we have to use VPN to log in to Google Ads account. And our ads are meant to target countries out of China, so VPN/IP spoofing is a requirement to access google ads account in China. So the account suspension was triggered by the above reason sometimes. We hope to help restore the normal status of our Google ads account as soon as possible.
Lastly, we have provided our company business license and other info as a supporting document via attachment.
谷歌广告客户案例 | 这家公司做Google Ads三个月拿下600+询盘,凭什么?
如何设置 Google Analytics(分析)全局网站代码
是否采用Google Ads建议,将匹配改成广泛+智能出价?
文章为作者独立观点,不代表DLZ123立场。如有侵权,请联系我们。( 版权为作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者 )
网站运营至今,离不开小伙伴们的支持。 为了给小伙伴们提供一个互相交流的平台和资源的对接,特地开通了独立站交流群。
现在可以扫码进群,备注【加群】。 ( 群完全免费,不广告不卖课!)
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