There are various components of a link building campaign — some will be crucial to success, and others will be helpful but not necessarily essential. Much will depend on a combination of your available assets and resources.链接建设活动有多种组成部分 - 有些对成功至关重要,而另一些则会有所帮助,但不一定必不可少。很大程度上取决于您的可用资产和资源的组合。
In this chapter, we’ll give you the key elements that you need to consider and some examples of what to include in your planning. It’s important to remember that this may take time and that’s a good thing, the more time you put in now, the more likely you are to hit your goals.在本章中,我们将向您提供您需要考虑的关键要素以及一些要包含在您的计划中的示例。重要的是要记住,这可能需要时间,这是一件好事,现在投入的时间越多,实现目标的可能性就越大。
Setting goals设定目标
Link building is a form of online marketing, and with any form of marketing, you should start with goals. Knowing the goals of your campaign right at the start helps to ensure that you create a strategy that gives you the best possible chance of success. You also need to ensure that the goals of your link building campaign tie in closely with the overall goals of your business. For example, "build 10 links" is not a good goal to hit if building 10 links doesn’t have any impact on the overall success of the business.链接建设是在线营销的一种形式,对于任何形式的营销,您都应该从目标开始。从一开始就了解广告系列的目标有助于确保您制定的策略为您提供最大的成功机会。您还需要确保您的链接建设活动的目标与您业务的总体目标密切相关。例如,如果建立 10 个链接对业务的整体成功没有任何影响,那么“建立 10 个链接”就不是一个好的目标。
Here, we encounter a slight issue. We learned earlier that links are a strong part of the search engine ranking algorithms. So, wouldn't hitting a goal of more links help with rankings? Helping with rankings helps drive more traffic and this helps bring more customers, right? All of this is true, but the problem is that it can sometimes take time for the links you've built to start having an overall positive effect on rankings. It isn't as simple as build links one day and see improvements the next. This is particularly true in competitive industries. 在这里,我们遇到了一个小问题。我们之前了解到链接是搜索引擎排名算法的重要组成部分。那么,实现更多链接的目标不会有助于排名吗?帮助排名有助于推动更多流量,这有助于带来更多客户,对吗?所有这些都是真实的,但问题是,您建立的链接有时需要时间才能开始对排名产生整体积极影响。它不像一天构建链接然后在下一天看到改进那么简单。在竞争激烈的行业中尤其如此。
This poses a problem for SEOs because it can be hard to show that a link building campaign is successful, even if it hits certain goals. This can be even more of a problem if you have other activity in progress such as:这给 SEO 带来了一个问题,因为即使达到了某些目标,也很难证明链接建设活动是成功的。如果您正在进行其他活动,例如:
Technical SEO changes and improvements 技术 SEO 更改和改进
New content being added to the website 新内容被添加到网站
Brand campaigns such as display advertising or TV ads 品牌活动,例如展示广告或电视广告
For this reason, it’s very important to not only set realistic goals, but to make sure that the goals you set are more intelligent than "build X links." The goals need to tie into real organizational goals and ultimately have a positive impact on the bottom line of your business. For example, you may want to increase organic search traffic in order to drive more sales. At the same time, you need to educate those around you that SEO and link building doesn't succeed overnight and that results are not instantaneous. Like any good marketing, the focus should be on long-term gains, not overnight quick-wins.因此,不仅要设定切合实际的目标,还要确保您设定的目标比“构建 X 链接”更智能,这一点非常重要。这些目标需要与真正的组织目标联系起来,并最终对您的业务底线产生积极影响。例如,您可能希望增加自然搜索流量以推动更多销售。同时,您需要教育周围的人,SEO 和链接构建不会在一夜之间取得成功,结果也不是即时的。像任何好的营销一样,重点应该放在长期收益上,而不是一夜之间的速赢。
While it’s hard to show that building X number of links had Y impact on revenue, knowing that increasing revenue is the goal can shape and guide your link building approach.虽然很难证明建立 X 个链接对收入有 Y 影响,但知道增加收入是目标可以塑造和指导你的链接建立方法。
How long will it take for link building to improve a site's ranking? 建立链接以提高网站排名需要多长时间?
As mentioned above, it can take time for link building to have a positive effect on the rankings of your website. The length of time can vary greatly and depend on a number of factors: 如上所述,链接构建对您网站的排名产生积极影响可能需要时间。时间长度可能会有很大差异,取决于许多因素:
The competitiveness of your industry as a whole 整个行业的竞争力
How competitive your target keywords are 您的目标关键字的竞争力如何
The activity of your competitors, e.g. if they’re actively building links, too 您竞争对手的活动,例如他们是否也在积极建立链接
The types of links you're building 您正在构建的链接类型
The history and strength of your domain 您域名的历史和实力
All of these factors can mean that it can take from several days to several months before an increase in ranking is achieved. This should be factored into your goals and expectations and all parties should be made aware that instant improvement is unlikely. 所有这些因素都意味着可能需要几天到几个月的时间才能实现排名的提高。这应该被考虑到您的目标和期望中,并且所有各方都应该意识到不太可能立即改进。
Before you get started, it's worth making note of where you currently rank for your most important keywords, as well as how those ranks change once your link building work really gets underway. Depending on how many keywords you're tracking and across what time frame, using a tool like Moz Pro for rank tracking is likely to make things much easier and allows you to easily report to others within the business.在开始之前,有必要记下您目前最重要关键字的排名,以及一旦您的链接构建工作真正开始,这些排名的变化情况。根据您跟踪的关键字数量和时间范围,使用Moz Pro 之类的工具进行排名跟踪可能会使事情变得更容易,并允许您轻松地向企业内的其他人报告。
A realistic expectation to set is that you’ll see an increase in traffic if you are constantly working on improving your website, business, and online activity. You should try to not think of link building as a one-off activity, because you may be disappointed by the results. Instead, link building should be a constant stream of activity coupled with other initiatives such as content creation, great customer service, and social media. Combined, all of this activity can lead to an increase in traffic and an increase in revenue for your business. It’s the combination and a consistent drive towards the goal that can make this more likely to happen quickly.一个现实的期望是,如果您不断努力改进您的网站、业务和在线活动,您将看到流量增加。您应该尽量不要将链接构建视为一次性活动,因为您可能会对结果感到失望。相反,链接建设应该是一个持续的活动流,与其他举措相结合,如内容创建、优质的客户服务和社交媒体。综合起来,所有这些活动都可以增加流量并增加您的业务收入。正是这种组合和对目标的一致驱动才能使这更有可能迅速发生。
Not to mention that this mindset means you’re building toward that link building nirvana of making your website naturally link-worthy and getting links that you didn’t ask for.更不用说这种心态意味着您正在朝着使您的网站自然具有链接价值并获得您没有要求的链接的链接构建涅槃重生。
Finding your assets寻找您的资产
At the heart of any link building campaign is the asset that you're going to use in order to attract and earn links. This can also be known as the "hook" that will make people care about what you have to offer, and will entice them into linking to you. Assets will vary from business to business and you need to identify which assets your business has that will be of interest to others and can be used in link building. 任何链接建设活动的核心都是您将用来吸引和获得链接的资产。这也可以称为“钩子”,它会使人们关心您提供的内容,并吸引他们与您建立联系。资产因企业而异,您需要确定您的企业拥有哪些资产会引起其他人的兴趣,并可用于链接构建。
Examples of assets may be:资产的例子可能是:
It’s possible that you may have one or more of these already. For example, you may have someone on your team who is a great spokesperson for the business and doesn’t mind sharing their opinions with the press. Connecting this person with relevant journalists can be a great way of building links and relationships. Another example may be that your company commissions industry research once a year and publishes a report on the results. If this has never been leveraged for link building, you may have an opportunity to do so without having to commission research from scratch. 您可能已经拥有其中一个或多个。例如,您的团队中可能有人是出色的业务代言人,并且不介意与媒体分享他们的意见。将此人与相关记者联系起来是建立联系和关系的好方法。另一个例子可能是您的公司每年委托一次行业研究并发布结果报告。如果这从未被用于链接构建,您可能有机会这样做而无需从头开始进行研究。
If you don’t have anything already, then you don’t need to worry. You have a blank canvas and can start to think about what you need in order to give yourself an angle for link building. 如果您还没有任何东西,那么您无需担心。你有一个空白的画布,可以开始考虑你需要什么,以便给自己一个建立链接的角度。
"We always look to create an asset that is user-friendly to both consumers and journalists. Creating an asset that is simple, has symmetry, and reduces visual clutter can help journalists and readers to quickly and easily understand our campaign and engage with it.“我们一直希望创造一种对消费者和记者都用户友好的资产。创造一种简单、对称并减少视觉混乱的资产可以帮助记者和读者快速轻松地了解我们的活动并参与其中。
While the asset is being created, it's important to get organized and have our press releases, media lists, and pitch emails ready so when that content is live on your client's site, you can go full-steam ahead. It’s important that these are personalized and well researched; in other words, you are confident you're going to the right people with the right story for them."在创建资产时,重要的是要组织起来并准备好我们的新闻稿、媒体列表和宣传电子邮件,这样当这些内容在您客户的网站上发布时,您就可以全力以赴。重要的是这些是个性化的并且经过充分研究;换句话说,你有信心你会找到合适的人,为他们讲述合适的故事。”
What types of links you need您需要什么类型的链接
When defining the strategy for your link building campaign, you’ll need to think about the types of links you need to get. There are various types to consider:在为您的链接建设活动定义策略时,您需要考虑需要获得的链接类型。有多种类型需要考虑:
Links to your homepage 链接到您的主页
Links to "deep" pages (such as product or category pages) 链接到“深层”页面(例如产品或类别页面)
Links containing your brand/company name包含您的品牌/公司名称的链接
Links containing the keywords you're targeting包含您定位的关键字的链接
Additionally, there are combinations of the above, such as a branded link to a deep page. Identifying what types of links you need will start with a detailed link analysis of your current website as well as a look at how you rank for certain keywords in comparison to your competitors.此外,还有上述组合,例如指向深层页面的品牌链接。确定您需要什么类型的链接将从对您当前网站的详细链接分析开始,以及与竞争对手相比,您对某些关键字的排名如何。
To perform this type of analysis, you can use a link research tool such as Link Explorer to find out what links your site already has, as well as compare yourself to competitors to understand what types of links you might need. For example, here's a link profile comparison for three different pages trying to rank for the keyword "SEO" and all their various link metrics:要执行此类分析,您可以使用链接研究工具(例如Link Explorer)来找出您的网站已有哪些链接,并将自己与竞争对手进行比较以了解您可能需要哪些类型的链接。例如,以下是三个不同页面的链接配置文件比较,尝试对关键字“SEO”及其所有各种链接指标进行排名:
It's also often helpful to see exactly where a site's links are coming from, and the anchor text they’re using to link. For example, a link from The New York Times may be more valuable than a link from your cousin Jo's Tumblr blog. Likewise, links with specific anchor text may help you (or your competitors) rank for more targeted terms.准确查看站点链接的来源以及它们用于链接的锚文本通常也很有帮助。例如,来自《纽约时报》的链接可能比来自您堂兄 Jo 的 Tumblr 博客的链接更有价值。同样,带有特定锚文本的链接可以帮助您(或您的竞争对手)对更有针对性的术语进行排名。
The analysis will show you opportunities for improvement. For example, you may see that you're not ranking for one of your main keywords. After doing some link analysis, you find that you have no links pointing to your website that contain this keyword, or, you find that the most relevant deep page has no links at all pointing at it. If you identify something like this, you have a tangible problem that you can work to resolve. In this case, it may mean that your strategy includes trying to build links to the deep page that currently doesn't have any links and doesn't rank for your target keywords.分析将向您展示改进的机会。例如,您可能会发现您没有对主要关键字之一进行排名。在进行了一些链接分析后,您发现没有包含该关键字的指向您网站的链接,或者,您发现最相关的深层页面根本没有指向它的链接。如果你发现了这样的问题,你就有了一个可以努力解决的切实问题。在这种情况下,这可能意味着您的策略包括尝试建立指向当前没有任何链接且未针对目标关键字排名的深层页面的链接。
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