⊙Table of Contents⊙
2. News or Trends Video Description Template
3. Company Q&A Video Description Template
4. Topic Explainer Video Description Template
5. Company Overview Video Description Template
6. Webinar (or Webinar Clip) Description Template
7. Product Education Video Description Template

BY Alisha 王煜
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
Product Name: [Insert Product Name]
Product Page URL: [Insert Product Page URL]
Relevant Link(s) to Include: [Insert Relevant Links(s)]
SEO Keyword: [Insert SEO Keyword]
YouTube Description Prompt
Learn more about [Insert Product Name] here: [Insert Product Page URL].
[Insert Product Name] was created to help [Insert Target Demographic] by [Insert Main Purpose of Product]. With [Insert Key Product Feature], [Insert Product Name] makes [Insert Task] easier by [Insert Description of What the Product Does].
Have you had a great experience with [Insert Product Name]? Let us know in the comments below!
About Us:
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience]. Learn more about [Insert Company Name] at [Insert Company Website].
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●[Insert Product Name] was recently named the winner of [Insert Award Won]!
●For a limited time, [Insert Product Name] is available for a discount of [Insert Discount]. Click here for more details [Insert URL for Discount Details].
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Read more about [Insert Product Name] best practices on the [Insert Company Name] blog: [Insert URL to Company Blog or Product-Focused Blog Post].
●Read success stories about [Insert Product Name] here: [Insert Review URL].
[可选] 额外内容考虑:
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
Link to Story or Article (Can be on your website or a different one): [Insert Story URL]
Other Relevant Link(s) to Include: [Insert Relevant Links(s)]
SEO Keyword: [Insert SEO Keyword]
YouTube Description Prompt
[Insert Two or Three Sentences About the Story’s Background and Why It’s Important to Your Viewers].
Read more about this story at [Insert Article URL].
Let us know your thoughts about [Insert Trend or News Story] in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more content about [Insert Trend Topic]!
About Us:
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience]. Learn more about [Insert Company Name] at [Insert Company Website].
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Read more about trends like this one on the [Insert Company Name] blog: [Insert URL to Company Blog].
●Check out our related articles on this subject: [List 3-5 Related URLs].
视频标题:[插入视频标题] 故事或文章链接(可以是您的网站或其他网站):[插入故事网址] 其他相关链接包括:[插入相关链接] SEO关键词:[插入SEO关键词]
YouTube描述提示 [插入两到三句关于故事背景及其对观众重要性的说明]。在[插入文章网址]阅读更多关于这个故事的信息。在下方评论中告诉我们您对[插入趋势或新闻故事]的看法,不要忘记订阅我们,获取更多关于[插入趋势话题]的内容!
[可选] 额外内容考虑:●注册[插入公司名称]新闻通讯![插入新闻通讯网址]。●在[插入公司名称]博客上阅读更多关于这类趋势的文章:[插入公司博客网址]。●查看我们关于此话题的相关文章:[列出3-5个相关网址]
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
YouTube Description Prompt
[Insert Name(s) and Role(s) of the Person/People in This Video] answer(s) your questions!
So many have been asking about [Insert Pressing Topic], so we put together this question and answer video to help [Insert Video Purpose, i.e. “clear things up,” “provide more context,” or “share our best practices.”].
If your question isn’t covered in this video, go to [Insert URL for Questionnaire or Feedback Form].
Thanks for watching!
About Us:
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience]. Learn more about [Insert Company Name] at [Insert Company Website].
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Check out our related articles on this subject: [List 3-5 Related URLs].
●For more Q&As, subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Topic Explainer Video Description Template
(“How to…”, “What is…”, etc.)
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
SEO Keyword: [Insert SEO Keyword]
Relevant Link(s) to Include: [Insert Relevant Links(s)]
YouTube Description Prompt
In this video, we’ll provide an in-depth explanation on [Insert Topic that the Video Explains]. Learn more about [Insert Topic] here: [Insert Relevant Blog or Website URL].
[Insert Two or Three Additional Sentences About Why the Topic is Important and Why the Video Will Help Viewers Learn More About It.]
Do you have any questions, tips, or ideas about [Insert Topic Here]? Let us know in the comments section below!
About Us:
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience]. Learn more about [Insert Company Name] at [Insert Company Website].
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Read more about [Insert Topic] best practices on the [Insert Company Name] blog: [Insert URL to Company Blog or Topic-Focused Blog Content].
●Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos about [Insert Topic].
Company Overview Video Description Template
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
YouTube Description Prompt
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience].
[Insert Two to Three Additional Sentences About Your Company’s Purpose, Products, Services, and/or Core Competencies].
Learn more about [Insert Product Name] here: [Insert Product Page URL].
Find out how to get in touch with us here: [Insert Contact Us or Demo Page URL].
Have you had a great experience with [Insert Product/Company Name]? Let us know in the comments below!
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●[Insert Product/Company Name] was recently named the winner of [Insert Award Won]! Learn more about our big win here: [Insert Announcement URL].
●For a limited time, [Insert Product Name] is available for a discount of [Insert Discount]. Click here for more details: [Insert URL for Discount Details].
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Read more about [Insert Industry] best practices on the [Insert Company Name] blog: [Insert URL to Company Blog or Product-Focused Blog Post].
●Read success stories about [Insert Product Name] here: [Insert Review URL].
●To hear more from us, subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Webinar (or Webinar Clip) Description Template
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
Webinar Name: [Insert Product Name]
Webinar URL (if uploading a segment of a full webinar): [Insert Webinar URL]
Relevant Link(s) to Include: [Insert Relevant Links(s)]
SEO Keyword: [Insert SEO Keyword]
YouTube Description Prompt
In this webinar, [Insert Name of Hosts/Participants] go over [Insert Webinar Topic]. Specifically, the webinar focuses on the following:
-[Time Stamp]: [Insert Topic 1]
-[Time Stamp]: [Insert Topic 2]
-[Time Stamp]: [Insert Topic 3]
[Insert a Key Statistic or Takeaway from the Webinar].
By the end of the webinar, you’ll be all caught up on [Insert Webinar Topic].
About Us:
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience]. Learn more about [Insert Company Name] at [Insert Company Website].
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●Watch the full webinar here: [Insert Link to Webinar Landing Page].
●[Insert Company Name] was recently named the winner of [Insert Award Won]!
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Read more about [Insert Product Name] best practices on the [Insert Company Name] blog: [Insert URL to Company Blog or Product-Focused Blog Post].
Product Education Video Description Template
Video Title: [Insert Video Title]
Product Name: [Insert Product Name]
Product Page URL: [Insert Product Page URL]
Relevant Link(s) to Include: [Insert Relevant Links(s)]
YouTube Description Prompt
This video explains how to use [Insert Your Company’s Name] [Insert Product Name].
If you still need help, learn more about [Insert Product Name] here: [Insert Product Page URL and/or Knowledge Base Article].
Have other questions not covered in this video? Let us know in the comments below.
About Us:
[Insert Company Name] is a [Insert Business Type] dedicated to helping [Target Audience]. Learn more about [Insert Company Name] at [Insert Company Website].
Not a [Insert Your Company Name] customer? Learn how you can get this product here: [Insert Product and/or Sales Page URL Here].
[Optional] Additional Content to Consider:
●For a limited time, [Insert Product Name] is available for a discount of [Insert Discount]. Click here for more details [Insert URL for Discount Details].
●Sign up for the [Insert Company Name] Newsletter! [Insert Newsletter URL].
●Read more about [Insert Product Name] best practices on the [Insert Company Name] blog: [Insert URL to Company Blog or Product-Focused Blog Post].
●For additional help, reach out to our support team here: [Insert Support Team Email Address, Phone Number, or Contact URL].
❏Is the video title less than 60 words?
❏Are you able to succinctly describe your company in the description?
❏Is there one or more calls-to-action in the description for viewers to learn more about your product or company?
❏Have you provided additional context and resources for readers, such as product reviews and case studies, if available?
❏Did you include one or two relevant hashtags at the end of the video description?
❏ 视频标题是否少于60个字?
❏ 您是否能在描述中简洁地描述您的公司?
❏ 描述中是否有一个或多个行动号召,引导观众了解更多关于您的产品或公司的信息?
❏ 如果有的话,您是否为读者提供了额外的背景和资源,如产品评测和案例研究?
❏ 您是否在视频描述的末尾添加了一到两个相关的话题标签?
❏ 您是否提醒观众订阅您的YouTube频道?
----------THE END---------
盲盒链接,里面什么内容我也不知道 ????

Hello, everyone?!
I'm Alisha?. With years of experience in foreign trade, I'm proficient in English and internet marketing, deeply understanding international client needs. If you're looking to expand into overseas markets and in need of promotional efforts abroad, feel free to contact me. Looking forward to collaborating with you for a brighter future?.

微信 | Alishaglobal
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