我们可以通过如下4个问题来获取我们Google Ads针对的受众画像:
1. Offer Solution
Directions: Identify the big solution or problem your offer solves for customers.
Product: What does the product do for customers and what problems does it solve?
Service: What is the biggest result you can help people achieve?
Solution Formula: This Offer Does _____ So You Can ______.
了解自己为客户解决什么问题,或者提供什么服务,可以找一个竞争对手的url,然后丢给Bing Chat:
Regarding this website:https://www.XXXXXX.com/ Identify the big solution or problem it offer solves for customers
2. 5 Words
Directions: If you had less than 5 words to describe your ideal prospect. This can be a profession/job title, place in life, or the name of a social group. How would the ideal customer identify themselves in the context of your niche/industry?
XXXX is a company thatprovides a xxxxxx for the building of xxxxx to help customer profit from each option. If you had less than 5 words to describe your ideal prospect. This can be a profession/job title, place in life, or the name of a social group. How would the ideal customer identify themselves in the context of your niche/industry?
3. Demographic
Directions: When looking at demographics, use Google Analytics or Facebook audience insights to develop a basic profile. This can always be updated as new data comes in.
这一Part主要了解你受众的Gener,Parental Status,Life Event,Age, Household Income.这些我会丢给Google的AI:https://bard.google.com/去解决,因为他们的数据来源于Google会更准确,这样提问:
Could you provide me Gender, parntal status, life event, age, household income for below audience: Business Owner...
4. Psychographics
Directions: Identify common “psycho-graphic” commonalities of the ideal prospect avatar. What are their desired results? What do they think is getting in the way of their success? Then identify the primary emotional drivers of their fears and aspirations.
Regarding audience XXXXX,Identify common “psycho-graphic” commonalities of the ideal prospect avatar. What are their desired results? What do they think is getting in the way of their success? Then identify the primary emotional drivers of their fears and aspirations.
Desired Results/Perceived Obstacles/Emotional Drivers/Aspirations
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网站运营至今,离不开小伙伴们的支持。 为了给小伙伴们提供一个互相交流的平台和资源的对接,特地开通了独立站交流群。
现在可以扫码进群,备注【加群】。 ( 群完全免费,不广告不卖课!)
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