接下来要忙着赶50篇内容,这里分享一个SEO写作的大招给大家~请专业写手写一篇好文你需要最少100USD,但你只需19.9RM就可以买到我的AI写作神器使用方法O(∩_∩)O,这里涵盖了Notion AI & Bing AI & ChatGPT 。
案例二:使用ChatGTP给标题:I'm going to be sending this email to my email list, write 5 potential subject lines that will geneate a high clickthrough rate. keep them under8 words, add an emoji in each subject lines.
案例三:使用ChatGTP,让ChatGTP根据要求写个代码给自己的WP网站:I want to add a slim blue(#133bc9) reading bar at the bottom of the window when people visit my blog. It should fill as people scroll down to give them an idea of how much of the article is left to read. Please write the code for me to implement this function on my wordpress site.
案例四:使用bing,阅读一篇文章然后利用bing的AI功能基于现有的文章,然后给出关键和具体的要求重新创建一篇BLOG:Using the content on this page and your web research for the keywords "keto diet", "beginners guide keto diet" and "keto diet tips & tricks", create a markdown article outline using H2, H3s, bullets and sub bullets that will help me create a blog post about "the beginner's guide to keto" that is targeted to pregnant vegan women and will help me sell them my keto recipe book.
GPT for sheets & Docs
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