In truth, there are 1000s of articles, guides, and tutorials published about SEO every year. Most of these guides are either very introductory or broad, or go to the opposite end of the spectrum and cover a very specific topic.事实上,每年有1000多篇关于SEO的文章,指南和教程。这些指南中大多数要么是介绍性的要么是宽泛的,或者是涵盖一个非常具体的主题。
Virtually none show you how to rank a webpage, start-to-finish.几乎没有人向你展示如何从头到尾对网页进行排名。
What's needed is a guide or blueprint. To be helpful, we need a step-by-step checklist for ranking a page starting from an idea, all the way to traffic pouring into your Google Analytics account.我们需要的是一个蓝图,一个分步清单帮助我们将一个页面从开始的一个想法到大量流量涌入我们的谷歌分析账号。
This is that checklist. 这就是那个清单。
It’s meant as a framework for newer SEOs to build their own work on top of. This basic process has helped, in one form or another, 1000s of pages and upwards to millions of keywords to gain higher rankings.这是针对初级SEO的一个框架,帮助他们构建自己的工作。这个基本程序以一种又一种形式帮助数以千计页面的关键词获取更高的排名。
Think of it as an intermediate SEO instruction manual, for beginners.将其视为初学者的SEO说明指南。
Level: Beginner to Intermediate 级别:初级到中级
Timeframe: 2 to 12 Weeks 时间:2到12周
What you need to know: This checklist assumes you have at least a basic understanding of SEO. You can write a title tag, know what a rel=canonical is, and maybe you've even built a link or two. 你需要明白:清单假设您有最基本的SEO了解,你可以写标题标签,知道什么是rel=canonical,或者你已经建立了一两个链接。
Here's How To Rank On Google in 2021:2021年如何在谷歌上排名
Working Smarter, Not Harder 聪明的工作,而不是辛苦工作
Start With A Mighty Seed
List It Out: Dream Your Keyword Theme
Leverage The Competition
Finding Diamonds in the Google Rough
Creating Value
Detect Intent: Form & Function
Be The Last Click
Why Completeness Beats Length
Smart Topic Modeling (Without A Computer)
E-A-T Your Authority
CTR Starts Here: Be The First Click
On-Page: Master the Basics
Schema All The Things
Make it Fast, Make it Sing
Over-Optimization: Titles, URLs, Stuffing, and Links
Internal Links, Relevance, & User Engagement
Linking Internally for the Reasonable Surfer
Content Hubs & Category Pages
The 50/50 Rule of Link Building
Don't Create Content Until You Do This First
The Easiest Shortcut to Good Links
Tentpole & Flywheels: Link Building on AutoPilot
A World of Link Building Tactics
Keep It Fresh: Links, Content, & Engagement
Tips to Keep In Mind: 记住这几点:
There are 100s of ways to rank a page in Google, from simply sharing an article on Twitter, to scoring a link from the New York Times. This guide represents only one possible process. 有数百种方法可以在谷歌里排名,从分享文章到twitter,到在纽约时报上获取链接,本指南只代表其中一种可能的过程。
This checklist is meant as an
Many other experienced SEOs have their own processes for ranking for desired keywords. Choose carefully who you listen to, and seek out their advice whenever you can. 许多其他有经验的SEO都有自己的流程获取关键词排名,仔细选择你要听得,并尽可能寻求他们的建议。
1. Working Smarter, Not Harder 聪明的工作,而不是辛苦的工作
Here's the secret about this SEO process: we don't want to rank for a single keyword, we want to rank for hundreds or thousands of keywords at the same time. We can do this with the exact same amount of work.这里是关于SEO过程的一个秘密:我们不想要做单独一个关键词的排名,我们想要同时为数以百计或者数以千计的关键词排名。我们可以用完全相同的工作量做到这一点。
Smarter, not harder.更聪明,而不是更难
The magic happens when starting with keyword research. Choosing the right (or wrong) keywords to target at this stage can predict our entire probability of success.当开始研究关键词时,魔法就发生了。选择对的(而不是)关键词可以预测我们成功的所有概率。
Starting out, you probably have a guess which keywords you want to rank for, but are they the right ones? The biggest mistakes people make at this stage of keyword research are:一开始,你可能已经猜到要为哪些关键词排名,但是他们是对的那个吗?人们在关键词研究这个阶段,犯得最大的错误是:
Choosing keywords that aren't specific enough 选择的关键词不够具体
Choosing keywords with too much competition 选择的关键词竞争太激烈
Keywords without enough traffic 关键词没有足够的流量
Keywords not relevant to your business 关键词与你的业务无关
Trying to rank for a single keyword at a time尝试一次对单个关键词排名
By far, the biggest mistake is trying to rank for a single keyword at a time. People search for the same things in very different ways. Or they search in very specific ways. This represents the long tail of keyword research, and it can represent up to 80% of all search traffic. 到目前为止,最大的错误是尝试给单个关键词排名。人们以截然不同的方式搜索相同的事物,或者用非常具体的方式进行搜索。这表示长尾关键词色搜索,它占有所有搜索量的80%。
You want to capture as much of that long tail as possible, while doing the same amount of work. 你希望在做相同数量的工作时,尽可能多的捕获长尾词。
Think of it as the difference between fishing with a spear, versus fishing with a net. Fishing with a spear, we might capture a single fish - or none at all if we miss. But fishing with a net might catch dozens of fish with a single throw.把它想象成用矛捕鱼和用网捕鱼的区别。用矛捕鱼,我们可能捕获一条鱼,或者一条都没有。但是用网捕鱼一次可能会捕到几十条鱼。
So instead of ranking for a single keyword, let's start with a keyword seed that grows into a theme. 所以,与其对单个关键词排名,不如从成长为主题的关键词种子开始。
2. Start With A Mighty Seed 从一个强大的种子开始
To begin, you want to discover your "Seed Keywords" to grow your keyword theme. Seed keywords are the basic, typically most obvious phrases.首先,您想发现您的“种子关键字”以发展您的关键字主题。种子关键字是基本的,通常是最明显的短语。
Often, seed keywords are the phrases you "think" you want to rank for. If your shop sells motorcycle lifts, your first seed keyword may then likely be "buy motorcycle lifts."通常,种子关键字是您“认为”要为其排名的短语。如果您的商店销售摩托车升降机,那么您的第一个种子关键字可能是“buy motorcycle lifts”。
Finding good keyword seeds is often a mix of brainstorming with a bit of research. A good seed answers the following questions:寻找好的关键字种子通常是头脑风暴和一些研究的结合。好种子可以回答以下问题:
What's my website about and/or what do I offer?
What keywords do I think I want to rank for?
What ads would I buy?
Good seeds are typically broad, but not too broad. For example, if you run an ice cream shop, the phrase "ice cream" might seem like a good seed, but it's probably too broad. ("ice cream" can mean many, many things.) A more specific phrase like "ice cream shop" or "ice cream shop Seattle" might work better.好的种子通常很宽,但不会太宽。例如,如果您经营一家冰淇淋店,“ice cream”这个词可能看起来是一个很好的种子,但它可能太宽泛了。(“冰淇淋”可能意味着很多很多东西。)像“ice cream shop”或“ice cream shop Seattle”这样的更具体的短语可能会更好。
There are typically three good places to find keyword seed.通常有三个好地方可以找到关键字种子。
What keywords does my website already rank for?
What do my competitors rank for?
What do SEO tools reveal about what people search for? (Tools to find seed keywords include Keyword Explorer and Google Keyword Planner)
SEO 工具揭示了人们搜索什么?(查找种子关键字的工具包括Keyword Explorer和Google Keyword Planner)
You need at least 1 keyword seed at this stage, but it doesn't hurt to have more, even dozens or hundreds of seeds if you're planning a larger content strategy.在此阶段您至少需要 1 个关键字种子,但如果您计划更大的内容策略,拥有更多、甚至数十或数百个种子也没有什么坏处。
3. List It Out: Dream Your Keyword Theme
Next, we want to grow our keyword seed into a keyword theme, comprised of many related keywords grouped together.接下来,我们希望将我们的关键字种子成长为一个关键字主题,由许多相关的关键字组合在一起组成。
Using keyword themes presents us with much larger opportunities. Instead of ranking for a single Holy Grail keyword, a better goal is to rank for multiple keywords focused around a single idea. Done right, the results are amazing. 使用关键字主题为我们提供了更大的机会。更好的目标是对围绕一个想法的多个关键字进行排名,而不是对单个圣杯关键字进行排名。做得对,结果是惊人的。
Simply put, the more long-tail keywords our webpage ranks for, the more qualified traffic search engines will send it.简而言之,我们的网页排名的长尾关键词越多,搜索引擎发送的合格流量就越多。
Creating lists typically involves using a combination of Google and keyword tools (either free or paid) to find all the related keywords to your keyword seeds.创建列表通常需要结合使用 Google 和关键字工具(免费或付费)来查找与您的关键字种子相关的所有关键字。
Typically, your list contains keywords with greater specificity. Your goal at this stage is to find keywords that are not only specific but also relevant to your business and have enough search volume to justify targeting. 通常,您的列表包含更具体的关键字。您在此阶段的目标是找到不仅具体而且与您的业务相关并且具有足够搜索量来证明定位合理的关键字。
For example, if our seed keyword was "motorcycle jacket" we might find the following related keywords.例如,如果我们的种子关键字是“motorcycle jacket”,我们可能会找到以下相关关键字
Each of these new keywords supports our seed keyword, and gives us a ton of new content ideas. If the related keywords seem like they can support enough traffic, they may even become new seed keywords themselves.这些新关键字中的每一个都支持我们的种子关键字,并为我们提供了大量新的内容创意。如果相关关键词看起来可以支持足够的流量,它们甚至可能成为新的种子关键词。
Here's why this works: by targeting a slightly broader keyword theme comprised of multiple, closely related keywords, our chances of ranking for these keywords actually increases dramatically. 这就是为什么这样做的原因:通过定位由多个密切相关的关键字组成的稍微更广泛的关键字主题,我们对这些关键字的排名机会实际上会大大增加。
4. Leverage The Competition利用竞争
Here's a step many people miss: ranking for the hidden keywords your competition already ranks for. 这是许多人错过的一步:对您的竞争对手已经排名的隐藏关键字进行排名。
No matter how smart you are, your competitors have already figured out—either by accident or design—which keywords are the most lucrative.无论您多么聪明,您的竞争对手都已经发现(无论是偶然还是设计)哪些关键字最有利可图。
Instead of finding these lucrative keywords yourself through the long process of trial and error, it's 1000 times easier simply to steal your competitor's intelligence. (Most of the time, stealing is wrong, but we'll let it slide in the case of competitive SEO.)其通过漫长的试错过程自己找到这些利润丰厚的关键词,窃取竞争对手的情报要容易 1000 倍。(大多数时候,窃取是错误的,但在竞争性搜索引擎优化的情况下,我们会让它下滑。)
The basics work like this:基本工作是这样的:
Find the URLs of your competitors that already rank for your target keyword查找已经为您的目标关键字排名的竞争对手的网址
Find all the other related keywords that URL also ranks for in Google查找URL也在Google 中排名的所有其他相关关键字
These other related keywords are gold. 这些其他相关的关键字是黄金。
Unfortunately, Google won't directly tell you what your competitors rank for, but a handful of 3rd party SEO tools do exactly that, making the work much easier. Here's what this data looks like in Keyword Explorer.不幸的是,谷歌不会直接告诉你你的竞争对手的排名,但少数第三方 SEO 工具正是这样做的,使工作变得更容易。以下是这些数据在Keyword Explorer 中的样子。
5. Finding Diamonds in the Google Rough在谷歌原石中寻找钻石
At this point, we likely have dozens or perhaps hundreds or thousands of potential keywords to work with.在这一点上,我们可能有几十个甚至成百上千个潜在的关键字可以使用。
The magic is choosing exactly the right keywords to target and build content around.神奇的是选择正确的关键字来定位和构建内容。
Sorting and filtering keywords is an art in and of itself, but the basic requirements we want to meet are roughly:关键词的排序和过滤本身就是一门艺术,但我们想要满足的基本需求大致是:
Does the keyword have sufficient search volume?
Is this keyword relevant to my business?
Can I create compelling content around this keyword that's better than anything else out there?我可以围绕这个关键字创建比其他任何东西都更好的引人入胜的内容吗?
Can I actually rank for this keyword?我真的可以为这个关键字排名吗?
The last question may be the most difficult to answer, but it's also one of the most important. Certain topics, such as medical and financial queries, can be especially challenging to rank for in Google.最后一个问题可能是最难回答的,但也是最重要的问题之一。某些主题,例如医疗和财务查询,在 Google 中排名特别具有挑战性。
One of the easiest ways to find out if you can rank for a keyword is to find the keyword difficulty score of your target keyword. Compare this number to the keywords with the highest difficulty score you already rank. More details here.确定您是否可以为关键字排名的最简单方法之一是找到目标关键字的关键字难度分数。将此数字与您已经排名的具有最高难度分数的关键字进行比较。更多细节在这里。
6. Creating Value创造价值
Want to know the absolute worst phrase in marketing?想知道营销中最糟糕的词组吗?It's "SEO content." 它是“SEO 内容”。
Far too many people think of content as a commodity: something predictably produced completely separated from the potential value it creates for end users.太多人认为内容是一种商品:可预见的生产与它为最终用户创造的潜在价值完全分离的东西。
Content without value is spam.没有价值的内容是垃圾。
If you want to rank—if you really want to rank—you need to understand this question:如果你想排名——如果你真的想排名——你需要理解这个问题:
How is your content better than the content that currently ranks for your keyword?您的内容如何比当前为您的关键字排名的内容更好?
Because if your content doesn't satisfy the user in a superior way to content that already exists, why would Google rank you higher?因为如果你的内容不能以比现有内容更好的方式满足用户,为什么谷歌会给你更高的排名?
Starting with your keyword theme, ask first how you can create value.从关键字主题开始,首先询问如何创造价值。
Value takes many forms. While Google provides clues and guidelines about how they evaluate content, it typically includes a mix of utility, trust, authority, and user experience. In short, you want your website to be the one that most completely satisfies the user for their given keyword.价值有多种形式。虽然谷歌提供了关于他们如何评估内容的线索和指南,但它通常包括实用性、信任、权威和用户体验的组合。简而言之,您希望您的网站成为最能满足用户给定关键字的网站。
Making your content the absolute best not only helps satisfy your users, but it also helps build links, improves user engagement, and protects against future algorithmic changes.使您的内容绝对是最好的不仅有助于满足您的用户,而且还有助于建立链接、提高用户参与度并防止未来的算法更改。
How do we create value? We begin by figuring out intent.我们如何创造价值?我们首先弄清楚意图。
7. Detect Intent: Form & Function检测意图:形式和功能
Here's where a lot of people stumble: You take your keyword and create content around it—maybe you create a blog post, maybe a shopping page—before you really understand what people are looking for with that keyword.很多人都在这儿绊倒了:在您真正了解人们使用该关键字寻找什么之前,您使用关键字并围绕它创建内容——也许您创建了一篇博文,也许是一个购物页面。
This is known as intent.这称为意图。
Guessing at intent is like gambling. You may think you know what people want, but unless you verify, it's like throwing darts blindfolded.猜测意图就像赌博。你可能认为你知道人们想要什么,但除非你验证,否则就像蒙着眼睛扔飞镖一样。
Google's job is to give people web results that satisfy their questions, so if you don't satisfy intent, you'll likely not rank very well for very long.谷歌的工作是为人们提供满足他们问题的网络结果,所以如果你不满足意图,你很可能在很长一段时间内都不会获得很好的排名。
Fortunately, there's a dead-simple way of determining keyword intent: search Google for your keyword phrase, and determine:幸运的是,有一种非常简单的方法可以确定关键字意图:在 Google 上搜索您的关键字词组,然后确定:
What kind of pages are already ranking什么样的页面已经排名
The common elements of each page, e.g. images, videos, shopping, etc每个页面的共同元素,例如图片、视频、购物等
What Google lists as "related searches" Google 列为“相关搜索”的内容
Google has already tested your keyword across thousands or millions of searches, so they have a pretty good idea of what people are looking for.Google 已经在数千或数百万次搜索中测试了您的关键字,因此他们非常了解人们正在寻找什么。
For example, if our keyword phrase was "easter hats", we could write another blog post about easter hats, or we could examine what Google currently ranks:例如,如果我们的关键字词组是“复活节帽”,我们可以写另一篇关于复活节帽的博文,或者我们可以检查谷歌目前的排名:
From this, we see that Google determines the search intent of "easter hats" to be:由此可知,谷歌将“复活节帽”的搜索意图确定为:
Images of Easter hats 复活节帽子的图片
Shopping for Easter hats 商场复活节帽子
Related searches about Easter bonnets关于复活节帽子的相关搜索
If we wanted to rank for this keyword, we would be wise to create content that delivered on these elements. We would learn even more from diving into the individual pages themselves.如果我们想为此关键字排名,我们最好创建基于这些元素的内容。通过深入研究各个页面本身,我们会学到更多。
But is it enough to simply copy the form of these pages, and deliver answers that are just as good? No, no, no! There is a better way...但是仅仅复制这些页面的形式并提供同样好的答案就足够了吗?不不不!有一个更好的方法...
8. Be The Last Click成为最后一次点击
Number 8 on the checklist seems like a small thing, but it makes a world of difference.清单上的数字 8 看起来是一件小事,但它却让世界大不相同。
Be the absolute best result for your keyword query.成为您关键字查询的绝对最佳结果。
Sounds simple in theory, but literally all of your competition is trying to be the best as well, and there can be only one.理论上听起来很简单,但实际上,您的所有竞争对手也都在努力做到最好,而且只能有一个。
What does it mean to be the absolute best result? We'll cover a few techniques, but the ultimate goal is this:绝对最好的结果是什么意思?我们将介绍一些技术,但最终目标是:
Be the last click.成为最后一次点击。
In other words, make sure when people search for your keyword—and they eventually find you—you are the last result they need to click. You provide such good information, they have no need to go back and click any other result. You may not be the first result they click (although that helps too) but you'll definitely be the last. Let's repeat that.换句话说,确保当人们搜索您的关键字并最终找到您时,您是他们需要点击的最后一个结果。您提供了如此好的信息,他们无需返回并单击任何其他结果。您可能不是他们点击的第一个结果(尽管这也有帮助),但您肯定会是最后一个。让我们重复一遍。
Be the last click.成为最后一次点击。
Which begs the question, how do you become the last click? The answer varies from query to query, and mixes a little bit of art and science, but to be the last click there are a number of check boxes you want to tick:这就引出了一个问题,你如何成为最后一次点击?答案因查询而异,并混合了一点艺术和科学,但要进行最后一次点击,您需要勾选许多复选框:
Match user intent, in form and style ✔️匹配用户意图,形式和风格
Provide more complete information提供更完整的信息
Be authoritative 是权威
Offer a better and/or unique experience, e.g. design, UX, speed 提供更好和/或独特的体验,例如设计、用户体验、速度
We've touched on user intent, so let's cover completeness. 我们已经谈到了用户意图,所以让我们来介绍一下完整性。
9. Why Completeness Beats Length为什么完整性胜过长度
"500 words, or 2000 words? That is the question."“500字,还是2000字?这是个问题。”
Sorry, Shakespeare, that's actually not the question.对不起,莎士比亚,这实际上不是问题。
The idea of content length arises in SEO quite often. "How long should your content be?"内容长度的概念经常出现在 SEO 中。“你的内容应该有多长?”
Part of the reason is that multiple studies over the years consistently show that, on average, longer content tends to perform better in Google than shorter content. But smart SEOs believe that the reason this content performs better is not that it's longer, but because it actually offers more completeness.部分原因是多年来的多项研究一致表明,平均而言,较长的内容在谷歌中的表现往往优于较短的内容。但聪明的 SEO 认为,这些内容表现更好的原因不是它更长,而是因为它实际上提供了更多的完整性。
What is "complete" content? This is content that:什么是“完整”内容?这是内容:
Completely satisfies a user's search query (again, "be the last click")
Offers supporting evidence
Answers additional related questions to the user's search query
Is authoritative (in other words, gives the user a reason to trust the information)具有权威性(换句话说,给用户一个信任信息的理由)
Provides quality supplemental content to support the main content 提供优质补充内容以支持主要内容
From Google's perspective, there are several reasons why more complete content may perform better. We won't dive into all the science and details here, but a simplification may be that:从 Google 的角度来看,更完整的内容可能表现更好的原因有很多。我们不会在这里深入研究所有的科学和细节,但可以简化一下:
Google constantly works to figure out what your content is "about." More complete content makes this job easier.
More complete content tends to satisfy users.
To make our content more complete, and to appease the Google gods, we're going to answer all the user's questions. Read on!为了让我们的内容更加完整,也为了安抚谷歌大神,我们将回答用户的所有问题。继续阅读!
10. Smart Topic Modeling (Without A Computer)智能主题建模(无需电脑)
A huge hunk of Google's job is simply spent trying to figure out what your content is "about." This is easy for humans, but hard for computers. To accomplish this, they employ a lot of advanced techniques like Natural Language Processing (NLP), phrased-based indexing, and machine learning.谷歌的大量工作只是花在试图弄清楚你的内容“关于”什么。这对人类来说很容易,但对计算机来说却很难。为了实现这一目标,他们采用了许多高级技术,如自然语言处理 (NLP)、基于短语的索引和机器学习。
Fortunately, you don't need a bank of computers to optimize your content around a particular subject. (Though if you have the budget, there are plenty of good software companies that can deliver this service for you.)幸运的是,您不需要大量计算机来围绕特定主题优化您的内容。(尽管如果您有预算,有很多优秀的软件公司可以为您提供这项服务。)
If your aim is to make your content more complete, a basic process to implement might resemble:如果您的目标是使您的内容更加完整,那么实施的基本流程可能类似于:
Focus on you primary topic (keyword) in your:专注于您的主要主题(关键字):
Title tag
Page Title
Main Content of the page
Images and/or video
Use the list of your most important secondary topics/keywords from your keyword research and use them to support your main topic. If warranted, these can be used in subheads and/or become their own section. 使用关键字研究中最重要的次要主题/关键字列表,并使用它们来支持您的主要主题。如果有必要,这些可以在小标题中使用和/或成为它们自己的部分。
Similarly, incorporate your most important "related questions" (from your keyword research) into their own content sections. 同样,将您最重要的“相关问题”(来自您的关键字研究)合并到他们自己的内容部分中。
Be sure to satisfy user intent by incorporating elements and formats of top ranking results, including images and video formats. 确保通过合并排名靠前的结果的元素和格式(包括图像和视频格式)来满足用户意图。
Enhance your Main Content with useful Supplemental Content, including additional helpful information in the sidebar and navigation of the page.使用有用的补充内容增强您的主要内容,包括侧边栏和页面导航中的其他有用信息。
If you can't address a deserving topic in the content itself, link out to a resource that does.如果您无法在内容本身中解决一个值得关注的主题,请链接到一个可以解决的资源。
On the last note, it's typically ideal to link internally to one of your own pages if you can, but don't be afraid to link to other websites. Remember, you want to be the last click so users don't have to go back to Google. When users get the answer from you (even when it's a link) you become more of an authority.最后一点,如果可以,最好在内部链接到您自己的一个页面,但不要害怕链接到其他网站。请记住,您希望成为最后一次点击,这样用户就不必返回 Google。当用户从你那里得到答案时(即使它是一个链接),你就变得更有权威了。
When done correctly, your research up to this point should help you create a page that thoroughly satisfies a user's query through complete content.如果正确完成,您到目前为止的研究应该可以帮助您创建一个页面,通过完整的内容完全满足用户的查询。
11. E-A-T Your Authority吃你的权威
Aside from content itself, Google employs a number of ranking signals to determine how authoritative and trustworthy a site is.除了内容本身,谷歌还使用了许多排名信号来确定一个网站的权威性和可信度。
While this is especially true for medical and transactional sites (YMYL - Your Money or Your Life), in general Google holds all sites to certain "quality" standards - including yours!虽然这对于医疗和交易网站(YMYL - 你的钱或你的生活)尤其如此,但一般来说,谷歌让所有网站都符合某些“质量”标准——包括你的!
Google's Search Quality Guidelines are filled with information about how Google wants to judge "quality." Many of these standards are not easy to control when creating your content (e.g. third-party reviews about you on other sites.)Google 的搜索质量指南充满了有关 Google 如何判断“质量”的信息。在创建您的内容时,这些标准中的许多都不容易控制(例如,在其他网站上关于您的第三方评论)。
That said, many of these "trust and authority signals" are certainly within your control, including the editorial standards of your writing. For this reason, it's good to review the questions Google has published for website owners in regards to its Panda algorithms and E-A-T guidelines. Questions which include:也就是说,许多这些“信任和权威信号”肯定在您的控制范围内,包括您写作的编辑标准。因此,最好查看一下 Google 为网站所有者发布的有关Panda算法和EAT指南的问题。问题包括:
Would you trust the information presented in this article?
Is this article written by an expert or enthusiast who knows the topic well, or is it more shallow in nature?
Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?
Is the content free from spelling or stylistic issues?
Was the content produced well, or does it appear sloppy or hastily produced?
For what it's worth, most professional SEOs don't believe these questions represent "hard" ranking factors (e.g. Google doesn't have an explicit "authority" score.) One hypothesis is that these qualities are scored and fed into a machine learning model, which then evaluates your content.就其价值而言,大多数专业 SEO 不相信这些问题代表“硬”排名因素(例如,谷歌没有明确的“权威”评分。)一种假设是,这些品质会被评分并输入机器学习模型,然后评估您的内容。
Regardless, at this point you have all the tools you need to create high-quality content.无论如何,此时您拥有创建高质量内容所需的所有工具。
12. CTR Starts Here: Be The First Click点击率从这里开始:成为第一次点击
Remember in step 8 when we said you want to be the last click (that a user needs)? Here, we offer complimentary advice which works hand-in-hand with that tip:还记得在第 8 步中我们说您希望成为最后一次点击(用户需要)吗?在这里,我们提供免费建议,这些建议与该技巧密切相关:
Be the first click, too.也是第一次点击。
When presented with a page of search results, users make decisions about what to click in milliseconds. You might rank #1, #4, or #7, but you still want to attract as many clicks as possible. This is known as improving your click-through rate (CTR.)当看到一页搜索结果时,用户会在几毫秒内决定点击什么。您可能排名 #1、#4 或 #7,但您仍然希望吸引尽可能多的点击。这称为提高点击率 (CTR)。
While there's contradictory evidence as to whether or not Google uses clicks in its search results as a ranking factor, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that they do, including a Google patent that explains exactly how they might do it.虽然关于谷歌是否将其搜索结果中的点击次数用作排名因素存在矛盾的证据,但有大量证据表明他们确实这样做了,包括谷歌专利,该专利准确地解释了他们可能如何做到这一点。
But honestly, it doesn't matter if clicks are an actual ranking signal or not, because more clicks means more qualified traffic, one way or another. This is the goal, right?但老实说,点击是否是实际排名信号并不重要,因为更多的点击意味着更多的合格流量,不管怎样。这是目标,对吧?
Google gives you 4-5 primary levers to influence CTR:Google 为您提供了 4-5 个影响点击率的主要杠杆:
Meta Description
Rich Snippets
URLs / Breadcrumbs
In some cases, image and video results
For most sites, titles are typically the most influential factor you can leverage to influence CTR, followed by rich snippets (if you can get them.) Google displays a title for every page, and nearly every searcher at least glances at them before clicking.对于大多数网站,标题通常是您可以用来影响点击率的最有影响力的因素,其次是丰富的摘要(如果您可以获取它们)。Google 会为每个页面显示一个标题,几乎每个搜索者在点击之前至少都会浏览一下。
We won't cover each element in detail here, but earning as many clicks as possible by optimizing these elements will go a long way. Each of the resources below should help to improve your CTR, and ultimately, your traffic. 我们不会在此处详细介绍每个元素,但通过优化这些元素来获得尽可能多的点击将大有帮助。以下每个资源都应该有助于提高您的点击率,并最终提高您的流量。
Advanced Title Tag Optimization (Webinar)
Google's Rich Snippet Gallery
Meta Description Best Practices
15 Best Practices for URLs
13. On-Page: Master the Basics掌握基础知识
Entire chapters could be written about on-page optimization (and we have!)整个章节都可以写关于页面优化
In truth—and this may seem counterintuitive—most of the time, you don't need to sweat the details. Don't get us wrong, on-page SEO is very, very important. But if you've followed the steps up to this point you've already covered most of the basics!事实上——这可能看起来有悖常理——在大多数情况下,你不需要担心细节。不要误会我们的意思,页面搜索引擎优化非常非常重要。但是,如果您已经按照步骤进行到这里,您就已经涵盖了大部分基础知识!
If you're new to SEO, you should absolutely make sure your website is friendly to search robots such as Googlebot. You can do this easily with online tools such as Hubspot's Website Grader or Moz's On-Page Grader, for example.如果您是 SEO 新手,您绝对应该确保您的网站对 Googlebot 等搜索机器人友好。例如,您可以使用Hubspot 的网站分级器或Moz 的页面分级器等在线工具轻松完成此操作。
And if you use Wordpress, plugins such as Rankmath will do a lot of the heavy SEO lifting for you.如果您使用 Wordpress,Rankmath等插件将为您完成大量繁重的 SEO 工作。
We'll cover a few more salient aspects of on-page SEO in this guide, but if you find yourself unfamiliar with this topic, we highly recommend the following resources:我们将在本指南中介绍页面 SEO 的一些更突出的方面,但如果您发现自己不熟悉该主题,我们强烈推荐以下资源:
A Visual Guide to Keyword Targeting and On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO for 2019 (and beyond!)
The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet (below)
14. Schema All The Things架构所有事物
We want to take a moment to give schema markup its own callout. If content is king (or preferably, queen) then schema is certainly the crown prince of on-page SEO.我们想花点时间给模式标记自己的标注。如果内容为王(或者最好是王后),那么架构肯定是页面 SEO 的王储。
Schema, while it doesn't appear on page for the user, is important for two very significant reasons:架构虽然不会出现在用户的页面上,但由于两个非常重要的原因而很重要:
As additional content, it can help Google understand your page, thereby giving you a potential ranking boost in some circumstances. 作为附加内容,它可以帮助 Google 了解您的页面,从而在某些情况下为您提供潜在的排名提升。
Schema can help you win a variety of rich snippets, further boosting your CTR Schema可以帮助您赢得各种丰富的片段,进一步提高您的点击率
To be clear, schema itself isn't a Google ranking factor. This means that you shouldn't expect a rankings boost simply because you added schema to your page.需要明确的是,架构本身并不是 Google 排名因素。这意味着您不应该仅仅因为向页面添加架构而期望排名提升。
That said, schema can help you to rank. Multiple studies have demonstrated this. Think of it as additional content that search engines can read, that also help it understand what your content is about. 也就是说,模式可以帮助您进行排名。多项研究证明了这一点。将其视为搜索引擎可以阅读的附加内容,这也有助于它了解您的内容是关于什么的。
At a minimum you should include standard schemas like Article and Local Business (if appropriate), but even more so you should consider schema to help earn your site rich snippets. Chief among these are:至少您应该包括标准架构,如文章和本地业务(如果适用),但更重要的是,您应该考虑架构来帮助您获得网站丰富的片段。其中主要有:
… and more. Check out Google's list.
15. Make it Fast, Make it Sing让它快速,让它唱歌
Aside from content itself, how the user experiences your page can hugely influence rankings as well. Google calls these official ranking factors page experience signals, and include:除了内容本身,用户对页面的体验也会对排名产生巨大影响。谷歌将这些官方排名因素称为页面体验信号,包括:
Core Web Vitals (i.e. page speed) (即页面速度)
Mobile Friendliness 移动友好
Safe Browsing 安全浏览
Intrusive Interstitial (i.e. avoid aggressive popups) 侵入性插页式广告(即避免攻击性弹出窗口)
Understand that having these qualities won't give you a big boost (for the most part.) Instead, these days they are simply table stakes, or the cost of admission. Having a mobile-friendly website is almost a requirement, and aggressive pop-ups are certain to put your rankings at risk. 了解拥有这些品质不会给您带来很大的提升(在大多数情况下)。相反,如今它们只是赌注或入场费。拥有一个适合移动设备的网站几乎是必需的,而激进的弹出窗口肯定会使您的排名处于危险之中。
The one exception to this is speed. While website speed is admittedly only a minor ranking factor for most sites, it can exert outsized influence on several other factors, and the user experience itself. For example, page speed can significantly impact both bounce rate and conversion rates (even when rankings remain stable.)一个例外是速度。虽然网站速度对于大多数网站来说只是一个次要的排名因素,但它可以对其他几个因素以及用户体验本身产生巨大的影响。例如,页面速度会显着影响跳出率和转化率(即使排名保持稳定。)
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