Your ranking decline is likely not due to an update and good luck trying to figure out the ranking factors impacting your site.
In covering Google algorithm updates for almost twenty-years now, one trend you notice over and over again is how SEOs tend to do two things. Many SEOs blame a Google algorithm update for their ranking declines and many SEOs often try to figure out which ranking factors they need to work on for a specific site. The thing is, often this is the wrong way to go about Google algorithm updates.
In my keynote during our virtual SMX Next last month, I covered the past 20 years of Google algorithm updates and what SEOs need to focus on in the future. I later hosted a panel with a few veteran SEOs to discuss Google algorithms, I asked these experts, what do SEOs often get wrong about these Google updates.
It wasn’t the update
Your ranking decline (or increase) was probably not due to that recent Google algorithm update. Yes, it is possible, but you first need “to have a [web site code] change log, you have to know what changes you made and when and be able to very definitely correlate” any changes you made that may have impacted your rankings. If you made zero changes and you lost 40% of your traffic on the same day as an algorithm update, “yeah that’s probably the update,” Carolyn Shelby, manager of SEO at ESPN said. But if you “made 80 changes the week before the update, we lost the traffic two days before the update, probably not the update,” she added.
您排名下降(或增加)的原因可能不是最近的Google算法更新引起的。是的,这是可能的,但是您首先需要“拥有一个[网站代码]更改日志,您必须知道您进行了哪些更改以及何时以及能够非常明确地关联”所有可能影响排名的更改 。ESPN SEO经理Carolyn Shelby说,如果您进行零更改,并且在算法更新的同一天丢失了40%的流量,那么“是的,这可能是更新。” 但是,如果您“在更新前一周进行了80次更改,那么我们在更新前两天(可能不是更新)就失去了流量,”她补充道。
One example Shelby gave at ESPN was around the time Google announced the launch of RankBrain. Truth is, when Google announced it, it actually went live months and months prior to its official announcement. In any event, the people at ESPN felt a ranking issue the company was experiencing was directly related to RankBrain. But Shelby said, “You need to calm down, I’m sure, this has nothing to do with this, we broke something else.” And when they fixed the issue they had with an AMP implementation, traffic returned. It was not related to any algorithm update Google released, but rather a change made to the site.
谢尔比在ESPN上举的一个例子大约是Google宣布启动RankBrain的时候。事实是,当Google宣布它时,它实际上已经在正式宣布之前的几个月上线了。无论如何,ESPN的员工都认为公司遇到的排名问题与RankBrain直接相关。但是谢尔比说:“我敢肯定,你需要冷静下来,这与我们无关,我们还打破了其他东西。” 当他们解决了AMP实施中遇到的问题时,流量就返回了。它与Google发布的任何算法更新都没有关系,而是与网站的更改有关。
I brought up the nofollow attribute change where Google would treat the nofollow link attribute differently. The truth is, Google never fully launched the change — not yet at least and when it does, it won’t impact rankings. But SEOs were citing this as a reason for ranking changes, when it was not.
Correlating ranking factors
Another thing SEOs have been trying to do for ages is trying to figure out which ranking signals or factors are most important for a specific update. Back in the old days, yes, we know Penguin was about links, Panda was about content. In the earlier days, SEOs would be able to track Google Dances and PageRank values directly towards rankings the next day. But now, we really cannot do that.
SEO多年来一直试图做的另一件事是试图弄清楚哪些排名信号或因素对于特定更新最重要。过去,是的,我们知道企鹅是关于链接的,熊猫是关于内容的。在早期,SEO可以直接在第二天的排名中跟踪Google Dances和PageRank的值。但是现在,我们确实无法做到这一点。
Eric Wu, VP of product growth at Honey Science said, “SEOs are spending too much time trying to figure out like what correlation matches the algorithm update.” The more “you understand machine learning” the more you know that you cannot figure this out. “Weighted values of these things the behavior doesn’t happen on all the sites similarly or the same way right,” Eric said.
Honey Science产品增长副总裁Eric Wu表示:“ SEO花费太多时间试图弄清楚相关性与算法更新是否匹配。” 您对机器学习的了解越多,您就知道自己无法弄清楚。埃里克说:“这些东西的加权值不会在所有站点上以相似或相同的方式发生。”
Focus on your web site, not the algorithm
In short, instead of obsessing about the changes Google is making to its algorithm, focus on your web site. You can end up spending too much time chasing your tail, when you can use that time making your own web site better. Focus on what your users want, build more and better content. Build better tools and features on your site. Make your site’s navigation easier for your users, make the site load faster and make the user experience better.
Those are all better uses of your time than obsessing over Google algorithm updates.
来源:Barry Schwartz
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