多年来,人们一直在谈论电子邮件营销将如何消亡。但它只会变得更强大!到今年年底,使用电子邮件的人数将超过 40 亿。在这篇文章中,我创建了 21 个带有模板的企业电子邮件示例,您可以通过滑动这些模板来帮助您立即启动您的电子邮件营销。
1. Lead magnet 促销邮件
2. Lead magnet发送邮件
3. Lead magnet 跟进邮件
4. 产品发布邮件
5. 推荐/评论请求邮件
6. 折扣优惠邮件
7. 重新参与邮件
8. 细分触发邮件
9. 实时通讯邮件
10. 最新博文邮件
11. 博文推广邮件
12. 客座博客外展邮件
13. 联盟合作邮件
14. 博客邀请邮件
15. 产品/服务推销邮件
16. 红人外展邮件
17. 电话邀请邮件
18. 电话跟进邮件
19. 客户合作跟进邮件
20. 反馈请求邮件
21. 活动邀请邮件
什么是Lead Magnet?
lead magnet是一种免费资源,可以吸引潜在客户点击您的利基市场。通过使用此免费内容,访问者更有可能注册您的电子邮件列表并最终成为付费客户。这就是使lead magnet成为您的内容营销策略中最重要的部分之一的原因。
lead magnet可以有多种形式,但它们通常具有以下特点:
1. Lead Magnet促销邮件
您可以将lead magnet促销电子邮件发送到现有订阅者列表,以鼓励他们注册新的lead magnet。请记住,电子邮件签名是为您的lead magnet获取额外点击的最佳位置之一。
Subject Line: New [Lead magnet type]) [Lead magnet name]
Hi there [Name],I’m emailing you today to let you know we have created a new [lead magnet type] called [lead magnet name].
In this [lead magnet type], you’ll learn how to create [describe what your lead magnet covers in 2 to 3 sentences].
[Link]Click here to access the [lead magnet name] ⇒[Link]
If you know anybody else who’ll find this useful, please forward the email to them.
Let us know if you face any problems accessing the [lead magnet type] by replying to this email. We’ll get back to you ASAP and ensure you gain access to it immediately.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
这是我从 HubSpot 收到的lead magnet促销电子邮件的一个很好的例子。
您是否注意到他们将“New Ebook”放在括号中以吸引更多关注?正如 Copy Hackers 的 Joanna Wiebe 所发现的,使用括号可以提高打开率。Joanna 测试了主题行“关于登录页面 + 电子邮件的启动 Qs [Copyhackers]”和“关于登录页面 + 电子邮件的打开启动 Qs”。前者主题行的打开率为 36.4%,后者为 32%。在这种情况下,“Copyhackers”品牌起到了帮助作用。要查看使用“新电子书”之类的内容是否有帮助,您需要进行自己的拆分测试。
2. Lead magnet 发送邮件
这是您在新用户注册您的lead magnet后立即发送的电子邮件。
Subject Line: Here’s your free [lead magnet type]
Hi [Name],
I’m so glad you signed up for the [lead magnet name].
In this [lead magnet type], you’ll learn [describe what they will learn in the lead magnet].
[Link]Click Here to Gain Immediate access to [lead magnet name] ⇒[Link]
If you’re unable to access it, just reply to this email and let me know. I will sort it out for you ASAP.
And if you need help with [a service you offer related to the lead magnet], please check out this page [link to your services landing page].
I have helped several people with this. Here’s a link to a case study [link to a case study].
Thank you,
[Your signature]
3. Lead magnet 跟进邮件
如果此人没有打开lead magnet递送电子邮件,您应该发送此电子邮件。如果他们不单击lead magnet链接,您也可以发送它。
Subject Line: Here is your free [lead magnet type]
Hi [Name]
I noticed that you didn’t download the [lead magnet type] I sent, so I’m sending it again.
[Link]Click Here to check out the [lead magnet name] ==>[Link]
Thank you,
[Your signature]
这是我从 Frank Kern 那里收到的一封lead magnet后续电子邮件的示例。如您所见,他不仅在跟踪我的电子邮件活动,还跟踪电子邮件引导我访问视频上的活动。
4. 产品发布邮件
Subject Line: It’s here! The [product name]
Hi [Name]
I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
I am emailing you today to let you know we have opened doors to our [product name].
It helps you [describe the problem and solution].
[Link]To learn more about what it does, click here…[Link]
Make sure you buy it before [mention either a time frame or number of sales].
Here is a testimonial from a recent customer [add a review from a customer].
If you have any questions about the product, please respond to this email or use the live chat on the product page. Our staff is waiting to respond to you.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
5. 推荐/评论请求邮件
Subject Line: Could you please do us a small favor?
Hi [Name]
I hope you are enjoying your recent purchase of [name of the product].
If you found it useful, we would like you to help us and others who would like to buy it too.
So, could you please visit this page [insert link] and leave a review? It should take you less than three minutes.
We really appreciate your help.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
仅在您的网站和允许您要求评论的第三方网站上要求评论,因为有些网站(如 Yelp)不允许您要求评论。如果可能,请将您的电子邮件自动化软件设置为在产品交付后几天发送电子邮件(如果您正在经营电子商务商店)。这将鼓励他们在试用产品后留下评论。
6. 折扣优惠邮件
Subject Line: A special discount is waiting for you inside
Hi [Name]
Thank you so much for being a customer of [your company name].
It’s because of people like you we have been able to be in business for such a long time. To thank you, we have created a discount coupon especially for you.
Use the code [unique code number] to get a discount of [add a discount percentage or amount] from any product in our store [insert link to your online shop].
But hurry! The offer is only available for the first [add number or time limit] people who make the purchase.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
7. 重新参与邮件
Subject Line: Are you there?
Hi [Name]
I’m removing inactive subscribers. And I notice that you haven’t opened an email from me in the past [add number] months.
I understand if you don’t want any emails from me. No hard feelings :).
But if you want to continue receiving my emails, just click the below link to confirm, and I won’t delete you.
[Link]I still want emails from you ⇒[Link]
There’s no need to opt in again. You just need to click.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
8. 细分触发邮件
Subject Line: I want to send you better content
Hi [Name]
I hope you find the tips I share useful.
I want to continue sending more free content to you. But I want to be certain that I am only sharing content you want. Could you please let me know what topics you prefer by clicking on one link below?
[Add text and link to topic number 1]
[Add text and link to topic number 2]
[Add text and link to topic number 3]
If you don’t find a topic you prefer, just reply to this email and let me know what topics you would like to read more content on.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
您可以在 Jenn Scalia 的这封电子邮件中看到这种细分级别的示例。
Jenn 是一位帮助企业家赚取更多收入的商业教练。因此,她发送了一封电子邮件,询问人们目前的收入。现在她可以向他们发送更多相关内容。
这种细分水平将帮助 Jenn 保持较高的打开率和较低的取消订阅率,同时努力增加销售额和收入。下面 MailChimp 的调查结果说明了他们的客户在实施细分列表后的一些性能变化。
9. 实时通讯邮件
您可以每 1 到 4 周发送一次时事通讯电子邮件。
Subject Line: Here are some things you will find useful
Hi [Name]
Here’s a roundup of the latest content from our blog and from other places on the web
[Title of 1st article with an inserted link]
[1st article description]
[Title of 2nd article with an inserted link]
[2nd article description]
[Title of 3rd article with an inserted link]
[3rd article description]
Thank you,
[Your signature]
以下是 Ahrefs 的时事通讯电子邮件示例:
10. 最新博文邮件
Subject Line: (New Post) [Post title]
Hi [Name]
I wanted to let you know I just published a new post on my blog that I am sure you’ll find useful.
In this post, you’ll learn [describe in 2 to 3 lines].
[Link]Click here to check it out ⇒[Link]
Please share it with your followers if you feel they will find it useful. Here’s a handy Tweet link [insert Twitter share link]. Click to share it now…
Thank you
[Your signature]
11. 博文推广邮件
Subject Line: Could you please help me out?
Hi [Name],
I just read your post [add post title]. It’s both well written and useful. I especially like how you [describe a couple of details about the post].
I am emailing you today to let you know I have written the post [add title of the post + link].
I think you will find it useful, as it is relevant to your post on [add post name]. Could you take a quick peek at it and let me know what you think?
[Your signature]
Subject Line: I would really like to write for your blog
Hi [Name]
I am a big fan of your blog. You share a lot of useful tips here. I especially like your post [add post title]. It’s both well written and useful.
I would like to contribute a unique post for your blog as well. I have read your guidelines and will follow them while writing the post. [Confirm page points of guidelines you’ll follow, like: This will be a long-form post that is 1,500+ words long with a lot of statistics and examples.]
Here are a few samples of my work…
[Add links to published posts in the same field]
If you’re interested, I would love to work with you on the topics and formats that best meet your needs for the blog. Would you prefer sample topics, a draft outline, or a complete post? [modify based on blog’s guidelines]
Thank you,
[Your signature]
13. 联盟合作邮件
Subject Line: Your readers will love this
Hi [Name]
I’m a big fan of your website. I like the products you review here. One of my favorites is the review for [product name].
We have a product like it called [product name] that we just launched, and we were wondering if you’d like to write a review about it.
Please let us know if you are, and we will send you a free sample.
Here’s a link [insert link] to our affiliate program. You earn [number or percent] commission for every sale you make.
We hope you’ll partner with us.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like a demo. I’m here to help.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
发件人还包括有关他们拥有的用户数量和他们在 Capterra 上的评分的详细信息,有助于使产品看起来更可信。
14. 播客邀请邮件
Subject Line: I just listened to your podcast
Hi [Name]
I recently discovered your work when I listened to the podcast [add podcast name]. You shared so many useful insights there.
I wanted to let you know I run a podcast too. It’s called [add name + link], and I was wondering if you’d like to come on the air.
The podcast has [mention number of subscribers, downloads, etc.]. Prominent people like [names] have already taken part.
Would you be interested? I will be happy to interview you at a date and time that is convenient for you.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
15. 产品/服务推销邮件
Subject Line: I like what you’re doing
Hi [Name]
I’m a big fan of your company. You seem to be doing well at [add a few compliments about the positives].
But I noticed one problem [write about the problem].
And I offer the perfect solution. My company [add name] helps businesses [your product and solutions].
After we work with you, you will [describe the transformation].
Here’s a recent case study [link case study] of how we helped one of our clients [write about the result].
If our services interest you, could you please respond to this email and let us know? We can set up a quick call to discuss more details.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
16. 红人外展邮件
Subject Line: We want to partner with you
Hi [Name]
I have been following you on [social network name] for a long while now. You share a lot of [content], and have built up a loyal following.
I also noticed that you share a lot of useful products.
So, I am reaching out to let you know I have the next product for you to promote. It’s called [add name + link to product]. It helps [describe the product].
I am sure you and your followers will like it. You can use it to [describe the uses].
Please let me know if you would like to promote it. We’ll send you a sample of the product. We can also help you create the content, and we’ll pay you for your time.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
17. 电话邀请邮件
Subject Line: About your free consultation with [your name]
Hi [Name]
Thank you for signing up for the free consultation. I am looking forward to speaking with you.
Could you please click this link [insert a link to your scheduling software] and schedule a time and date for our call?
If you have any questions about the call, just reply to this email. I will get back to you ASAP.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
这是来自营销漏斗自动化的 Todd Brown 的辅导电话邀请的一个很好的例子。.
18. 电话跟进邮件
Subject Line: Following up on our call
Hi [Name]
Thank you for attending the call. It was really nice to learn about you and your business.
During the call, we discussed…
[Summarize the details in a few bullet points]
I’ve attached my custom plan for your business to this email [attach it to the email].
Please go through it and let me know if you would be interested in working with me.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
19. 合作跟进邮件
Subject Line: Details for starting [Project name]
Hi [Name]
Thank you so much for choosing us. We’re looking forward to working with you.
I’m going to set up a plan for this project now. We like to use Trello and/or Asana [change to whichever tool you use] to manage our projects. Could you please let me know which one you prefer? We will set up a board for you there so you can monitor our progress.
I have also attached a document that details all the login details I need from you. Please add them there or share them with us through LastPass.
And if you have any questions, you can email me at name@example.com or call me at [add your number].
Thank you,
[Your signature]
20. 反馈请求邮件
Send this after the work is done.
Subject Line: Help us to help serve you better
Hi [Name]
Hope you’ve been enjoying our services so far.
We want to continue offering the best service. Could you please take five minutes and fill up this feedback form for us [share link to form]?
Please be honest with your responses. If you didn’t like something, don’t be afraid to point it out. We take feedback very seriously and are ready to make changes to help serve you better.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
21. 活动邀请邮件
Subject Line: We cordially invite you to [event name]
Hi [Name]
It is that time of the year again when we have our [name of the event].
It is a day where we [describe your event in about two lines].
You have become a valued part of our company, we would love it if you’re able to come, but we understand if you can’t.
Please click this invitation link [insert link] and RSVP yes or no.
Thank you,
[Your signature]
1. 写一个邀请主题行
您的电子邮件主题行有一份工作。那就是让最多的人打开它。所以,密切关注它并写一个非常有说服力的主题行。不要在这里透露太多信息。只需透露足以引起兴趣并获得点击。电子邮件的正文应负责其余部分。这是America’s Test Kitchen主题行的一个很好的例子。
看起来好像“Building Better Bowls”这三个词的主题行非常含糊。但这就是重点。当主题行没有足够的详细信息时,人们会单击它以了解更多信息。当您看到上面的主题行时,您开始想知道他们在说什么?是器具还是盘子,如冰沙碗或佛碗?作为America’s Test Kitchen审查烹饪设备并分享食谱。
一个技巧是不要将电子邮件主题行大写,因为它会使您的电子邮件看起来过于正式。例如,当我看到下面弗兰克·克恩 (Frank Kern) 的主题行时,我的蜘蛛侠意识上升了。我可以看到发件人正在非常努力地引起我的注意。我通常认为他们试图向我推销一些东西,而我却失去了注意力。
正如我们所提到的,在主题行中使用括号可以提高打开率。所以,用它们来突出最重要的一点。您还可以使用表情符号,因为它们也可以提高打开率。我从Stupid Simple SEO的 Mike Pearson 那里收到的带有表情符号的精心编写的电子邮件主题行的一个很好的例子。
您还可以看到,Mike 只将第一个字母大写,并且只使用了四个单词。这条线非常简短。这应该会引起很多好奇心。
电子邮件主题行的个性化可以将打开率提高 50%。
如果您将电子邮件发送给个人,您应该尽可能多地了解他们。您可以通过查看他们的博客、他们的 LinkedIn 个人资料、他们的推文等来做到这一点。然后,您可以编写他们想要阅读和互动的电子邮件。
4. 快速进入主题
用户平均每天发送和接收超过 120 封商务电子邮件。他们想快速阅读您的电子邮件并继续前进。如果你花很多时间在没完没了的文字上磨磨蹭蹭,你就会失去他们的注意力。所以,要快速达到你想要的目的。这主要是冷启动电子邮件所必需的。这是一个 Dean 伸出手用不到 50 个字分享一篇新博客文章的例子。
多次校对和编辑您的电子邮件,以确保它们完全没有错误。您可以使用Grammarly 之类的工具来检查错误。使用 Grammarly 编辑文章后,您可以使用Hemingway对其进行编辑。
Hemingway将帮助您简化文本。确保您密切关注您的文本,使其在 4-6 年级的水平上阅读。如前所述,人们一天会收到很多电子邮件。因此,他们会想要浏览您的电子邮件。通过使您的电子邮件副本尽可能简单,使他们成为可能。我使用Hemingway来简化我上面分享的所有模板的可读性。
翻译作品, 原作者:Mitt Ray
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网站运营至今,离不开小伙伴们的支持。 为了给小伙伴们提供一个互相交流的平台和资源的对接,特地开通了独立站交流群。
现在可以扫码进群,备注【加群】。 ( 群完全免费,不广告不卖课!)
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