There are lots and lots of ways to get links. The right tactics for you depend on the resources you have at your disposal as well as the industry that you're in. Industries that are more established and competitive often require you to be quite aggressive with link building, and you might find earning those links more difficult. Other industries, often the newer industries that are quickly growing, are full of opportunities to engage with bloggers and build a community. With that in mind, this section reveals a few link building tactics that can be applied to most all types of websites.有很多方法可以获取链接。适合您的策略取决于您拥有的资源以及您所在的行业。更成熟和更具竞争力的行业通常需要您在链接建设方面非常积极,您可能会发现获得这些链接更加困难。其他行业,通常是快速增长的新兴行业,充满了与博主互动和建立社区的机会。考虑到这一点,本节揭示了一些可应用于大多数所有类型网站的链接构建策略。
Content-based link building基于内容的链接建设
Some of these you've already learned about in the chapter on building a link building campaign, so we'll try not to repeat ourselves here. The basic premise is that you create an asset that you use to try and get links. This takes the form of a piece of content and can include something like:您在构建链接建设活动的章节中已经了解了其中的一些内容,因此我们将尽量不在这里重复。基本前提是您创建用于尝试获取链接的资产。这采用一段内容的形式,可以包括以下内容:
An infographic 信息图
A data visualization数据可视化
A white paper白皮书
A how-to guide操作指南
A video 视频
A study or report研究报告
An image gallery图片集
You create these assets through the lens of earning links to them from people who find them relevant, interesting, funny, informative, etc. You then reach out to these people in an attempt to actually build those links. Over time, you aim to reach a point at which you don't need to ask for each and every link that you receive. Instead, you should be able to seed the content with a few key influencers in your community who can help spread the word on your behalf. This can take a long time to achieve and requires a lot of investment in exceptional content, but it’s certainly possible.你通过从那些认为它们相关、有趣、有趣、信息丰富等的人那里获得链接来创建这些资产。然后你联系这些人,试图真正建立这些链接。随着时间的推移,您的目标是达到不需要询问收到的每个链接的程度。相反,您应该能够与社区中的一些关键影响者一起传播内容,他们可以代表您帮助传播信息。这可能需要很长时间才能实现,并且需要对出色的内容进行大量投资,但这当然是可能的。
Examples of content-based link building campaigns基于内容的链接建设活动示例
In this section, we’ll look at some examples of successful link building campaigns along with some analysis of what made them successful. One thing to note here is that the primary goal of the following examples may not have been links, but they were very successful, nonetheless, so there is something we can learn.在本节中,我们将查看一些成功的链接建设活动的示例,并分析其成功的原因。这里要注意的一件事是,以下示例的主要目标可能不是链接,但是它们非常成功,因此我们可以学到一些东西。
Salary by State: Where Can You Really Earn the Most?各州的工资:你真正能赚到最多的地方是什么?
Originally started within the marketing department, this piece has developed into a genuinely useful tool for students to use when trying to understand how salaries for roles can differ by state. At the moment, the piece has over 100 linking root domains pointing to it from a range of authoritative sources:最初在市场营销部门开始,这篇文章已经发展成为一个真正有用的工具,供学生在尝试了解不同州的职位薪水如何不同时使用。目前,这篇文章有超过 100 个链接根域,从一系列权威来源指向它:
It’s a genuinely useful tool for students, requiring minimal input in order to be useful and help make career decisions对于学生来说,这是一个真正有用的工具,只需最少的投入即可发挥作用并帮助他们做出职业决策
It’s very relevant to Rasmussen, a college that is looking to engage with students这与 Rasmussen 非常相关,Rasmussen 是一所希望与学生互动的大学
With the data being updated, it continues to be relevant, meaning that it can get links over and over again随着数据的更新,它仍然具有相关性,这意味着它可以一遍又一遍地获得链接
The execution is very simple, as is the headline which can be understood very quickly执行很简单,标题也是很容易看懂的
If you printed off all the Instagram photos uploaded in a year, how far would they reach?如果您将一年内上传的所有 Instagram 照片打印出来,它们会到达多远?
This piece is a few years old now, so the data may not quite be up to date, but the idea and execution is excellent, showing what would happen if you printed all photos uploaded to Instagram and stacked them on top of each other.这篇文章已经有几年的历史了,所以数据可能不是最新的,但想法和执行都很棒,展示了如果你打印上传到 Instagram 的所有照片并将它们堆叠在一起会发生什么。
This piece currently has just over 30 linking root domains pointing to it and worked for a few reasons:这篇文章目前只有 30 多个指向它的链接根域,并且出于以下几个原因起作用:
It’s super relevant to the brand: a photo printer它与品牌超级相关:照片打印机
The execution is very easy to understand quickly, and encourages interaction from the user who will keep clicking and clicking执行非常容易快速理解,并鼓励将继续点击和点击的用户的交互
Even if you’re not an avid Instagram user, you probably know what it is and how it works, which makes the topic relevant to many people 即使您不是 Instagram 的狂热用户,您也可能知道它是什么以及它是如何工作的,这使得该主题与许多人相关
In addition to the examples above, I wanted to include some examples of content that have generated plenty of links, but were almost certainly not created with link building or SEO in mind. This is important because you’ll find that you can get inspiration from places outside of SEO, and these pieces are great examples of this.除了上面的例子,我想包括一些已经生成大量链接的内容的例子,但几乎可以肯定不是在创建链接或搜索引擎优化时考虑到的。这很重要,因为您会发现您可以从 SEO 之外的地方获得灵感,这些作品就是很好的例子
The UK’s Best Home Bar Competition英国最佳家庭酒吧大赛
This one is included because it’s a little different in that the content that has been created is actually by users, rather than the brand, and is a competition:包含这个是因为它有点不同,它创建的内容实际上是由用户创建的,而不是由品牌创建的,并且是一种竞争:
This competition generated over 20 linking root domains despite being relatively simple — a blog post entry form and then picking of a winner. There are a few reasons why this competition picked up links:尽管相对简单,但这场比赛产生了 20 多个链接根域——一个博客文章条目表格,然后选择一个获胜者。本次比赛选择链接有几个原因:
It was launched during the UK summer when people were thinking about spending time outdoors and revamping their spaces 它是在英国夏季推出的,当时人们正在考虑在户外度过时光并改造他们的空间
The competition was very relevant to the brand who provide equipment and games for home bars 比赛与为家庭酒吧提供设备和游戏的品牌非常相关
It was very easy to enter — just a photo was required 很容易进入——只需要一张照片
The competition could be promoted when it was launched and again when the winner was picked, allowing for a slew of outreach to take place 比赛可以在启动时进行推广,并在选出获胜者时再次进行推广,从而可以进行大量外展活动
Using data to determine if “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie使用数据确定“死硬”是否是圣诞电影
I’ve included this example because it shows that you don’t necessarily need complex visuals or interactive elements in order for a piece of content to be successful. This piece currently stands at 117 linking root domains and uses a data-informed approach to answering the question: is “Die Hard” a Christmas movie?我包含此示例是因为它表明您不一定需要复杂的视觉效果或交互元素才能使内容成功。这篇文章目前有 117 个链接根域,并使用基于数据的方法来回答这个问题:“死硬”是圣诞电影吗?
This piece was successful in terms of links for a few reasons: 由于以下几个原因,这篇文章在链接方面取得了成功:
It’s very resonant with movie fans. Anyone who has seen “Die Hard” (a very popular film anyway) will probably have had a conversation with someone else about whether it’s a Christmas film or not 非常引起影迷的共鸣。任何看过“死硬”(无论如何都是非常受欢迎的电影)的人可能会与其他人讨论它是否是圣诞电影
The debate isn’t a one-off thing: It will come around every Christmas and whenever “Die Hard” is shown on TV outside of Christmas 辩论不是一次性的:它会在每年圣诞节以及圣诞节以外的电视上播放“Die Hard”时出现
It’s clear that the author has used a methodical approach to answering the question, which draws you in, keeps you engaged, and makes the piece feel very credible 很明显,作者使用了一种有条不紊的方法来回答这个问题,它吸引了你,让你保持参与,并使这篇文章感觉非常可信
Based on a True True Story?根据真实故事改编?
This was put together by some data journalists and shows which parts of well-known movies claiming to be based on true stories are actually true or not. They add a new film every so often and right now, the piece has just over 200 linking root domains. 这是由一些数据记者整理的,并显示了声称基于真实故事的知名电影的哪些部分实际上是真实的。他们每隔一段时间就会添加一部新影片,而现在,该片只有 200 多个链接根域。
What made it successful?是什么让它成功?
The visual is very easy to understand quickly and you can see at a glance just how true or false any of the films are 视觉效果非常容易快速理解,您可以一目了然地了解任何电影的真假
The level of detail provided is huge, with every scene broken down into chunks and explained 提供的细节水平是巨大的,每个场景都被分解成块并进行了解释
Films are very resonant with many of us, and we’re often more bought in when they’re based on a true story 电影与我们中的许多人都产生了共鸣,当它们根据真实故事改编时,我们通常会更喜欢它们
The execution allows for very quick and easy scanning of scenes that movie fans will recognize and interact with, leading to high engagement 执行允许非常快速和轻松地扫描电影迷将识别和互动的场景,从而提高参与度
"My favorite type of link building is digital PR/creative content. We work hard to understand a brand’s audience and fuse their interests with what’s relevant and resonant in the news.
For example, in travel, it’s important to keep your creative content campaigns destination and metric focused, such as one we created for Alpha Travel Insurance that blends a topic their younger adventurous audience are interested in with one of their key products and resulted in 37 followed links."
例如,在旅行中,保持您的创意内容活动目标和指标的重点非常重要,例如我们为Alpha Travel Insurance创建的活动将他们的年轻冒险受众感兴趣的主题与他们的一项关键产品相结合,并获得了 37 次关注链接。”
Guest blogging
Guest blogging is the process of approaching other websites to see if they’ll publish a piece of content that you write on their blog. While it’s often an effective way to earn links using high quality content, Google has cracked down on marketers who abuse this tactic with low-quality content and over-optimized anchor text.访客博客是访问其他网站以查看他们是否会发布您在其博客上撰写的内容的过程。虽然这通常是使用高质量内容获得链接的有效方法,但谷歌已经打击了滥用这种策略的营销人员,他们使用低质量的内容和过度优化的锚文本。
As guest blogging became an increasingly common tactic, it became increasingly automated and the quality of the posts declined considerably. Google noticed. Matt Cutts, the ex-head of Google's webspam team, wrote a post in 2014 declaring that we could "Stick a fork in it: Guest blogging is done." This still holds true today in that if you’re producing content at scale and pitching it as guest posts at scale, you’re unlikely to see long-term success.随着来宾博客成为一种越来越普遍的策略,它变得越来越自动化,帖子的质量也大大下降。谷歌注意到了。谷歌网络垃圾邮件团队的前负责人马特·卡茨 (Matt Cutts)在 2014 年写了一篇文章,宣称我们可以“插上一个叉子:访客博客已经完成”。这在今天仍然适用,因为如果您大规模制作内容并将其作为客座帖子进行大规模宣传,您不太可能看到长期的成功。
At the same time, focusing on quality and taking time to write content for third-party websites where your audience hangs out online is valuable. If you’re doing guest blogging this way, then the value can go beyond the link itself and include things such as brand exposure and click-through traffic to your website.同时,关注质量并花时间为观众在线闲逛的第三方网站编写内容很有价值。如果您以这种方式进行访客博客,那么价值可能会超出链接本身,包括品牌曝光和网站点击量等内容。
"If the goal is to get national coverage and top-tier links, we also create tangential content, or content that's a little more 'zoomed out' than what your core brand is about. That way it's still relevant to your industry and audience but it appeals to a broader group of people."“如果目标是获得全国覆盖率和顶级链接,我们还会创建切线内容,或者比您的核心品牌更‘缩小’的内容。这样它仍然与您的行业和受众相关,但它吸引了更广泛的人群。”
Broken link building断开的链接建设
The Internet is filled with broken links. Often, these broken links exist on valuable, high-quality pages. Broken link building is a very popular practice that works on the premise of helping webmasters fix their broken links by providing a superior alternative for them to link to.互联网上充斥着断开的链接。通常,这些损坏的链接存在于有价值的高质量页面上。建立断链是一种非常流行的做法,其工作原理是通过为网站管理员提供更好的链接替代方案来帮助他们修复断链。
Although the specifics can vary, the basic process looks like this:尽管具体情况可能会有所不同,但基本过程如下所示:
Research broken links and find good targets研究断开的链接并找到好的目标
Create content to replace content that no longer exists创建内容以替换不再存在的内容
Outreach and pitch this content外展和宣传此内容
Here’s an example. You run a dairy testing company and want to build links to your scientific resource pages. A university in your area happens to have an older page on dairy resources, but many of the links are broken. You kindly reach out to the webmaster to point out the broken links, and helpfully suggest your newer and up-to-date resource as an alternative. The university webmaster then links to your dairy resource page.这是一个例子。您经营一家乳制品检测公司,并希望建立指向您的科学资源页面的链接。您所在地区的一所大学碰巧有一个关于乳制品资源的旧页面,但许多链接都已损坏。您可以联系网站管理员指出损坏的链接,并建议您提供更新和最新的资源作为替代方案。然后大学网站管理员链接到您的乳制品资源页面。
This process can be repeated over and over again. Sometimes you use your existing content as a suggestion to replace broken links, other times you create new content specifically for this purpose.这个过程可以一遍又一遍地重复。有时您使用现有内容作为替换损坏链接的建议,有时您专门为此目的创建新内容。
"In broken link building, you're offering 'visitor experience improvements' to a webmaster or page curator who's dedicated to a particular audience. With this in mind, your subject line and offer (a fix) must demonstrate value to the target audience — as well as mention the impact the broken link could have on an expectant visitor in need."“在断开链接的构建中,您向致力于特定受众的网站管理员或页面策展人提供了‘访问者体验改进’。考虑到这一点,您的主题行和提议(修复)必须向目标受众展示价值——并提及断开的链接可能对有需要的预期访客产生的影响。”
Link reclamation链接回收
Slightly different than broken link building is the practice of link reclamation, where you fix or “reclaim” links that once pointed at your site, or point to your site but fail to provide any SEO value.与断开的链接构建略有不同的是链接回收的做法,您可以修复或“回收”曾经指向您的站点或指向您的站点但未能提供任何 SEO 价值的链接。
There are many different types of link reclamation strategies.有许多不同类型的链接回收策略。
404 pages
These are links that point to pages on your website that no longer exist. Link Explorer is a good tool for finding these. (Perform a "Top Pages" search and sort for 404s). You can either 301 redirect or fix these links on your end, or ask the webmaster to change the link.这些链接指向您网站上不再存在的页面。链接资源管理器是查找这些的好工具。(执行“首页”搜索并对 404 进行排序)。您可以通过301 重定向或修复这些链接,或者要求网站管理员更改链接。
To find valuable 404 pages with the most broken links:要查找具有最坏链接的有价值的 404 页面:
Go to Link Explorer转到链接资源管理器
After logging in, navigate to the Top Pages tool 登录后,导航到首页工具
Enter the site you want to analyze. Be sure to select "root domain" metrics. 输入要分析的站点。请务必选择“根域”指标。
For the Status Code, select "4xx - Broken" 对于状态代码,选择“4xx - Broken”
You will now see a list of all the top 404 pages on the site, sorted by the number of broken links pointed to each page 您现在将看到网站上所有前 404 页的列表,按指向每个页面的损坏链接的数量排序
Click the "View Links" search icon next to each URL to see all the broken links pointing at each URL 单击每个 URL 旁边的“查看链接”搜索图标以查看指向每个 URL 的所有损坏链接
Non-linking brand mentions非链接品牌提及
It’s sometimes common and easy to find others writing about your site without linking to it. Often a simple email to the author is enough to secure a link. For example, if someone has written a blog post containing this copy:有时很容易找到其他人在没有链接的情况下撰写有关您的网站的文章。通常给作者一封简单的电子邮件就足以确保链接的安全。例如,如果有人写了一篇包含此副本的博客文章:
“The toolset that Moz provides for SEOs is second to none and is a great value for the money.” “Moz 为 SEO 提供的工具集是首屈一指的,物超所值。”
This is great, but if there is no link to Moz, there is an opportunity to ask for one.这很好,但如果没有指向 Moz 的链接,则有机会要求一个。
Tools like and Google Alerts are great at digging up mentions.诸如mention.net和Google Alerts 之类的工具非常擅长挖掘提及。
Non-linking images
It’s common to find websites that have posted your own images without attribution. Instead of filing a copyright or DMCA takedown notice, this presents a terrific opportunity to earn a link instead.找到发布您自己的图片但没有署名的网站是很常见的。这不是提交版权或 DMCA 删除通知,而是提供了获得链接的绝佳机会。
The way this works is to contact the website who has used the image, tell them that the image belongs to you and that you love that they’ve used it, but would they mind giving you a credit link in exchange for using it.这样做的方法是联系使用该图像的网站,告诉他们该图像属于您,并且您喜欢他们使用它,但他们是否介意给您一个信用链接以换取使用它。
"My favorite link-building tactic is link reclamation. This tactic is best on large websites after migrations or post-acquisition. Start by finding links to the old website, organize them by 'best' links first, and begin outreach!"“我最喜欢的链接构建策略是链接回收。这种策略最适合在迁移或收购后的大型网站上使用。首先找到旧网站的链接,首先按“最佳”链接组织它们,然后开始外展!”
Why simply "trading links" isn't a good tactic为什么简单的“交易链接”不是一个好策略
In years gone by, trading links with other websites was a good way of getting links. It also became known as "link exchanges" or "reciprocal links" as a tactic. However, like a lot of link building tactics, it was often abused and pushed to the extreme. Instead of trading links with other relevant, good quality websites, many SEOs would just trade links with anyone they could. Therefore, the link was no longer being given because of the quality of the website, but more because the webmaster would get a link in return.在过去的几年里,与其他网站交易链接是获取链接的好方法。它也被称为“链接交换”或“互惠链接”作为一种策略。然而,像很多链接建设策略一样,它经常被滥用并被推到极致。许多 SEO 不会与其他相关的、高质量的网站交易链接,而是会与他们可能的任何人交易链接。因此,不再因为网站的质量而给出链接,而是因为站长会得到一个链接作为回报。
This led to some websites having pages that were set up specifically for trading links. These pages would have URLs similar to “” Such a page would consist of a huge list of links to websites that were often unrelated to the website itself and were not always great quality.这导致一些网站的页面专门用于交易链接。这些页面的 URL 类似于“”。这样的页面将包含大量指向网站的链接列表,这些链接通常与网站本身无关,并且质量并不总是很好。
Because of this, Google seeks to devalue links that are only given because a link is being given in return. They can even penalize for excessive link exchanges and have a section in their Webmaster Guidelines for it:正因为如此,谷歌试图贬低那些仅仅因为提供链接而提供的链接的价值。他们甚至可以惩罚过多的链接交换,并在他们的网站站长指南中有一个部分:
"Excessive link exchanges ('link to me and I'll link to you') or partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking."“过度链接交换('链接到我,我将链接到你')或合作伙伴页面专门为了交叉链接。”
When it comes to link building, Google wants to see links that you've earned. They want to see links that you deserve because you have something of good quality to offer — not because you're happy to take part in link exchanges.在链接构建方面,Google 希望查看您获得的链接。他们希望看到您应得的链接,因为您可以提供高质量的东西——而不是因为您乐于参与链接交换。
Having said that, Google has no problem at all with websites linking to each other for legitimate reasons. It’s a natural occurrence on the web if a news story on the BBC cites an article on CNN, then a few weeks later CNN cites a story on the BBC. This is technically a reciprocal link, but do you think Google penalizes it? No, because there are genuine reasons for these websites to link to each other and they are doing it in a natural way that is good for users.话虽如此,谷歌对于出于合法原因相互链接的网站完全没有问题。如果 BBC 上的新闻报道引用了 CNN 上的一篇文章,那么几周后 CNN 又引用了 BBC 上的一篇报道,这在网络上是很自然的事情。这在技术上是一种互惠链接,但你认为谷歌会惩罚它吗?不,因为这些网站之间有真正的理由相互链接,并且它们以对用户有益的自然方式进行。
Contrast this with a page that has thousands of links on it, all going to unrelated websites with no relevance at all, and you can see the difference in what Google does and doesn't like.将此与具有数千个链接的页面进行对比,所有链接都指向完全不相关的不相关网站,您可以看到 Google 喜欢和不喜欢的内容的差异。
A few words on buying links关于购买链接的几句话
Link building can be quite tough, particularly in the early days when you're still trying to build your reputation, find the right people to connect with, and create great content. It’s quite understandable that SEOs look for shortcuts to help make the process a little bit easier, and one of those shortcuts is often buying links.建立链接可能非常困难,尤其是在早期,当您仍在努力建立自己的声誉、找到合适的人联系并创建出色的内容时。SEO 寻找快捷方式来帮助简化流程是可以理解的,其中一种快捷方式通常是购买链接。
Buying links is directly against one of Google's Webmaster Guidelines:购买链接直接违反了Google 的网站管理员指南之一:
"Buying or selling links that pass PageRank: This includes exchanging money for links, or posts that contain links; exchanging goods or services for links; or sending someone a ‘free’ product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link."“购买或出售通过 PageRank 的链接:这包括用金钱换取链接或包含链接的帖子;用商品或服务换取链接;或向某人发送‘免费’产品以换取他们撰写相关内容并包含链接。”
Google cares so much about this because buying links can change how search results appear for users. They want companies to perform well in search results because they deserve to, not because they have deep pockets and can buy links. Also, note that Google explicitly says "links that pass PageRank.” This is where the difference between buying links and buying advertising comes into play.Google 非常关心这一点,因为购买链接可以改变搜索结果对用户的显示方式。他们希望公司在搜索结果中表现良好,因为他们应得的,而不是因为他们财力雄厚,可以购买链接。另请注意,Google 明确表示“通过 PageRank 的链接”。这就是购买链接和购买广告之间的区别发挥作用的地方。
Buying advertising that links through to your website is fine and can be a great practice for building awareness of your business. However, Google does say that if you're going to do this, then you should make sure that the advertisement doesn't pass PageRank to your website. There are a few ways you can do this:购买链接到您网站的广告很好,并且可以成为建立您的业务知名度的好方法。但是,Google 确实表示,如果您打算这样做,那么您应该确保广告不会将 PageRank 传递给您的网站。有几种方法可以做到这一点:
Adding the nofollow attribute to the link
Going via a redirected page that is blocked in robots.txt 通过在 robots.txt 中被阻止的重定向页面
These techniques mean that the advertisements will not affect how much PageRank your website receives and, therefore, will not affect how you perform in organic search results.这些技术意味着广告不会影响您的网站获得的 PageRank,因此不会影响您在自然搜索结果中的表现。
In general, buying links is a risky business, and for most companies is not worth the risk. The short-term gains often outweigh the long-term benefits, and if you're building a legitimate business that plans on using organic Google results as a means to get customers, then buying links can put that at risk.一般来说,购买链接是一项有风险的业务,对于大多数公司来说是不值得冒险的。短期收益通常大于长期收益,如果您正在建立一家合法企业,并计划使用 Google 自然搜索结果作为吸引客户的手段,那么购买链接可能会使其面临风险。
A world of link building tactics
This chapter only describes a few of the hundreds of different link building tactics you can use (or even invent!). The specific tactics you choose will depend on your resources, creativity, niche, audience, and available time.本章只描述了您可以使用(甚至发明!)的数百种不同的链接构建策略中的一些。您选择的具体策略将取决于您的资源、创造力、利基、受众和可用时间。
"Oftentimes, niche publications use jargon and vernacular that they assume their audience will understand, but never define it within individual articles. We’ve seen success, for instance, identifying abbreviations of different chemical compounds and then providing a page that defines what they are and what they’re used for. (For example, imagine pitching the inclusion of a link out to a DNA Definition page in articles that reference DNA without ever explaining what it is.) This has enabled us to earn some amazing links in articles that are incredibly relevant for the site’s we’re working on that they’d never earn otherwise."“通常,小众出版物使用行话和白话,他们认为他们的读者会理解,但从未在个别文章中对其进行定义。例如,我们已经看到了成功,例如,识别不同化合物的缩写,然后提供一个页面来定义它们是什么以及它们的用途。(例如,想象一下在引用 DNA 的文章中包含一个指向DNA 定义页面的链接,而没有解释它是什么。)这使我们能够在文章中获得一些惊人的链接与我们正在开发的网站非常相关,否则他们永远不会赚到。”
"Thought leadership articles are also another tactic that we use for link building and are a great way to secure links and coverage on more niche and industry specific publications. Offering comments and responding to requests from journalists on Twitter, or though HARO is also another quick and easy tactic — as long as you have your eye on the ball and are ready to turn any comments around with speed!"“思想领导力文章也是我们用于建立链接的另一种策略,是保护更多利基和行业特定出版物的链接和报道的好方法。在 Twitter 上提供评论和回应记者的请求,或者虽然 HARO 也是另一个快速和简单的战术——只要你盯着球看,并准备好快速扭转任何评论!”
Every functional link building tactic earns its links by meeting the publisher’s unstated 'price' for reaching their audience. In the earned link space, we’re talking about supplying publishers with value such as exclusive news and information, useful advice, articles that could help them sell more products or services, and useful corrections that shore up authority. As we discuss value exchange, I’m reminded of a campaign by the great link builder Debra Mastaler in which she offered a client t-shirt to the members of several dues-supported professional organizations and earned links from the organization websites.每个功能性链接构建策略都通过满足发布商未说明的“价格”来吸引其受众来获得链接。在赢得的链接空间中,我们谈论的是为发布商提供价值,例如独家新闻和信息、有用的建议、可以帮助他们销售更多产品或服务的文章以及支持权威的有用更正。在我们讨论价值交换时,我想起了伟大的链接构建者Debra Mastaler的一项活动,她向几个由会费支持的专业组织的成员提供了一件客户 T 恤,并从组织网站上获得了链接。
Huge organizations with limited web development budgets (government offices, nonprofits, etc.) often house a treasure trove of information, but it’s impossible for normal people to navigate.Web 开发预算有限的大型组织(政府办公室、非营利组织等)通常拥有大量信息,但普通人无法导航。
Creating content that ties together all the locations of information available on a particular subject, then presents that in a navigable fashion is a link gold mine. We’ve created pieces that tie together, for instance, all the natural disaster relief information national agencies can provide and used that to sustain link campaigns. You don’t even have to write a huge amount! Simply providing organized access to the information is useful enough to earn a great set of links.创建将特定主题的所有可用信息位置联系在一起的内容,然后以可导航的方式呈现这是一个链接金矿。例如,我们创建了将国家机构可以提供的所有自然灾害救援信息联系在一起的部分,并使用这些信息来维持链接活动。你甚至不必写大量的!简单地提供对信息的有组织的访问就足以获得大量链接。
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