There are various metrics associated with links that you should be aware of. These metrics can help you judge the value of a potential link, helping you assess whether it’s worth pursuing and how many resources you should put into acquiring it. Knowing these kinds of metrics is also useful when you’re doing link profile analysis (a holistic report of the number and types of links on a website), whether on a competitor's website or your own.您应该了解与链接相关的各种指标。这些指标可以帮助您判断潜在链接的价值,帮助您评估它是否值得追求以及您应该投入多少资源来获取它。无论是在竞争对手的网站上还是在您自己的网站上进行链接配置文件分析(网站上链接的数量和类型的整体报告)时,了解这些类型的指标也很有用。
It’s also important to understand how different link attributes can affect how valuable the link is when it comes to organic search rankings. Measuring the impact of link building can be tricky, but understanding these elements will help you with this process.了解不同的链接属性如何影响链接在自然搜索排名方面的价值也很重要。衡量链接构建的影响可能很棘手,但了解这些元素将有助于您完成此过程。
Domain Authority域
One of the easiest ways to understand how strong a domain is, especially relative to other domains, is to use Domain Authority.了解域的强度(尤其是相对于其他域)的最简单方法之一是使用Domain Authority。
Domain Authority is calculated by Moz and runs on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the highest. It uses a number of signals taken from the Moz crawler and tries to predict how well a domain will perform in search results. It is useful when trying to get a rough idea of how strong a particular domain may be.域权限由 Moz 计算并以 0-100 的范围运行,其中 100 为最高。它使用从 Moz 爬虫获取的大量信号,并尝试预测域在搜索结果中的表现。当试图粗略了解特定域的强度时,它很有用。
Page Authority页面
There will be occasions when you have the opportunity to get a link from a page that already exists on a website, as opposed to a new page that is created for a blog post or news item. An example could be an existing list of some kind to which your link gets added — perhaps your coffee shop is added to a page with a list of the best espresso in Seattle.有时您有机会从网站上已有的页面获取链接,而不是为博客文章或新闻项目创建的新页面。一个例子可能是你的链接被添加到的某种现有列表——也许你的咖啡店被添加到一个页面,其中包含西雅图最好的浓缩咖啡列表。
In cases like this, you should assess the strength of the page so that you know how worthwhile the link is to you before you put too much effort into acquiring it. One way to do this is to use Page Authority.在这种情况下,您应该评估页面的强度,以便在您付出太多努力获取链接之前,您知道该链接对您有多大价值。一种方法是使用Page Authority。
Page Authority is another Moz metric that is very similar to Domain Authority, except that it only applies to a single page rather than an entire domain.页面权限是另一个与域权限非常相似的 Moz 指标,除了它仅适用于单个页面而不是整个域。
The higher the Page Authority of the page you want a link from, the more likely it is to help you with your SEO efforts.您想要链接的页面的页面权限越高,它就越有可能帮助您进行 SEO 工作。
"With link building campaigns, links and the Domain Authority of linking sites are frequently used as KPIs to indicate 'success,' but when you look at the value and measurement of a campaign, we can go beyond this too.“对于链接建设活动,链接和链接网站的域权限经常被用作 KPI 来表明‘成功’,但是当您查看活动的价值和衡量标准时,我们也可以超越这一点。
Link building campaigns can have a real, measurable impact on a client’s business goals - by looking at Google Analytics we can also see how much traffic a campaign drives into the site or a specific page. We can also break down links themselves to further refine what we mean by 'success' — for example, is the link from syndicated coverage? Is this the first time the domain has linked to your site?链接建设活动可以有对客户业务目标的真实、可衡量的影响 - 通过查看 Google Analytics,我们还可以了解活动为网站或特定页面带来了多少流量。我们还可以自行分解链接以进一步完善我们所说的“成功” ' - 例如,链接是否来自联合报道?这是该域第一次链接到您的网站吗?
Looking at all of these factors can help you drill down and further refine what success really looks like for your client and campaigns — no two sites are the same, so your definitions of success will reflect this too."查看所有这些因素可以帮助您深入了解并进一步完善您的客户和活动的真正成功面貌——没有两个网站是相同的,因此您对成功的定义也将反映这一点。”
We talked about PageRank earlier in this guide and how it helped Google to serve more relevant results to users. Here, we’ll talk a bit more about how it actually works.我们在本指南前面讨论了 PageRank 以及它如何帮助 Google 为用户提供更相关的结果。在这里,我们将更多地讨论它的实际工作原理。
PageRank is calculated by Google and based on the number and quality of links pointing to a web page. It runs on a scale from 0–1, with 1 being the highest. Google assigns a PageRank score to every page that they index and rank in their search results. It’s ever-changing and updated in real time.PageRank 由 Google 计算,基于指向网页的链接的数量和质量。它在 0 到 1 的范围内运行,其中 1 是最高的。谷歌为其在搜索结果中编入索引和排名的每个页面分配一个 PageRank 分数。它是不断变化和实时更新的。
We used to be able to get a rough idea of what the PageRank was for a particular page by using the Google Toolbar. However, Google stopped updating this back in 2016, which means that we can no longer use it as a metric to measure how powerful a link may be.过去,我们可以通过使用 Google 工具栏粗略了解特定页面的 PageRank。然而,谷歌在 2016 年停止更新它,这意味着我们不能再使用它作为衡量链接有多强大的指标。
Despite this, PageRank is still used internally by Google and appears to still play a big part in their search algorithm. It has no doubt evolved a lot over the years, but you can read about the earlier version here.尽管如此,PageRank 仍在 Google 内部使用,并且似乎仍然在他们的搜索算法中发挥着重要作用。多年来,它无疑已经发展了很多,但您可以在此处阅读早期版本。
Anchor text锚文本
We've already covered the meaning of anchor text; now let's consider what it means as a way of assessing the impact of links for SEOs.我们已经介绍了锚文本的含义;现在让我们考虑一下它作为一种评估链接对 SEO 的影响的方式意味着什么。
Anchor text can give Google an indication of the subject matter of the page being linked to. So if I linked to a page using the words "fitness routine," then it’s likely that the page being linked contains information about fitness routines. Google can then use this information as part of its ranking algorithms. In this case, they may decide that the page being linked to should rank higher for the keyword "fitness routine" and close variations. John Mueller confirmed that they can use anchor text in this way during this SEO office hours video.锚文本可以让 Google 了解所链接页面的主题。因此,如果我使用“健身计划”一词链接到一个页面,那么被链接的页面很可能包含有关健身计划的信息。然后,Google 可以将此信息用作其排名算法的一部分。在这种情况下,他们可能会决定链接到的页面应该在关键字“健身程序”和紧密变体中排名更高。John Mueller 证实他们可以在这个 SEO 办公时间视频中以这种方式使用锚文本。
For many years, having a lot of links pointing to your website that contained your keyword as the anchor text was a very good way of helping you rank well for that keyword. While this is still the case to some extent, it does appear that the strength of anchor text as a signal is diminishing slightly. This is most likely because of the over-optimization of anchor text by SEOs, and Google's readiness to penalize such websites through the Penguin update.多年来,将大量链接指向包含您的关键字作为锚文本的网站是帮助您对该关键字进行良好排名的一种非常好的方式。虽然在某种程度上仍然如此,但锚文本作为信号的强度似乎确实在略微减弱。这很可能是因为 SEO 对锚文本的过度优化,以及谷歌准备通过企鹅更新来惩罚这些网站。
Due to the changing nature of the perception and use of anchor text, it’s probably best to be cautious when building links. Try not to build too many links that have the exact same anchor text in them, particularly if the links are not of the highest quality, such as links that are from low-quality domains, non-editorial sitewide links, or links that have too much anchor text. You should try to make your link profile look as natural as possible, which often means getting links that use your brand or company name as the anchor text.由于对锚文本的感知和使用的性质不断变化,因此在构建链接时最好保持谨慎。尽量不要构建太多包含完全相同锚文本的链接,特别是如果链接不是最高质量的,例如来自低质量域的链接、非编辑性站点范围的链接,或包含太很多锚文本。您应该尝试使您的链接配置文件看起来尽可能自然,这通常意味着获取使用您的品牌或公司名称作为锚文本的链接。
Number of links链接数
When link building, you’ll obviously want to keep track of how many links you’ve built. You’ll also want to check into how your website compares to your competitors' sites, to see how far (or how far ahead!) you’ve gotten.在建立链接时,您显然希望跟踪已建立的链接数量。您还需要查看您的网站与竞争对手网站的对比情况,以了解您已经取得了多远(或多远!)。
As we've discussed in previous chapters and seen in surveys, the raw number of links pointing to your website is seen as a strong ranking signal. However, you do need to remember that the quality is equally, if not more important than the number.正如我们在前几章和调查中所讨论的那样,指向您网站的原始链接数量被视为一个强大的排名信号。但是,您确实需要记住,质量同样重要,甚至比数量更重要。
As a metric, number of links can be useful to us in two main ways:作为一个指标,链接数量可以通过两种主要方式对我们有用:
Measuring progress / success of a link building campaign衡量链接建设活动的进度/成功
For running comparisons between your website and competitors' sites用于在您的网站和竞争对手的网站之间进行比较
Both of these uses still need to factor in quality of links in order to be helpful to us. When we compare our number of links to a competitor's number, it can sometimes show gaps that may explain ranking differences. If you're trying to rank for the keyword "wooden tables" and the websites on the first page of results all have over 1,000 links, that gives you a solid sense for the competitiveness of that niche and the kind of attention you need to earn in order to rank among those results.这两种用途仍然需要考虑链接的质量,以便对我们有所帮助。当我们将我们的链接数量与竞争对手的数量进行比较时,有时会出现可以解释排名差异的差距。如果您尝试对关键字“木桌”进行排名,并且结果第一页上的网站都有超过 1,000 个链接,那么您就可以清楚地了解该细分市场的竞争力以及您需要获得的关注度以便在这些结果中排名。
"Measuring link building success is one of the most challenging aspects of a campaign for myriad reasons.“出于无数原因,衡量链接建设成功率是活动中最具挑战性的方面之一。
It’s also one of the most effective ways to retain clients.这也是留住客户的最有效方法之一。
There are a number of ways to track the performance of a link-building campaign; which methods are chosen largely depends on the tactics deployed."有多种方法可以跟踪链接建设活动的表现;哪些方法选择在很大程度上取决于部署的策略。”
Linking root domains链接根域
Not to be confused with the raw number of links, linking root domains is an even more powerful ranking signal to Google. When we say linking root domains, we mean the number of distinct domains that link to us, not the raw number of links.不要与链接的原始数量混淆,链接根域对谷歌来说是一个更强大的排名信号。当我们说链接根域时,我们指的是链接到我们的不同域的数量,而不是链接的原始数量。
You can see the difference between linking root domains and total inbound links in Link Explorer:您可以在链接资源管理器中看到链接根域和总入站链接之间的区别:
For example, if CNN linked to you from five different news stories, that would be counted as five links, but only one linking root domain, since all five links came from例如,如果 CNN 从五个不同的新闻报道链接到您,那么这将被视为五个链接,但只有一个链接根域,因为所有五个链接都来自。
If the BBC linked to you from one news story, that would be one link and one linking root domain.如果 BBC 从一个新闻报道链接到您,那将是一个链接和一个链接根域。
The number of linking root domains is a stronger signal than the raw number of links because it is a better indication of the true popularity of a website. If we go back to how Google thinks of links as "votes," then in this sense each website has only one vote to give you. No matter how many times they link to you, they still only count as one vote. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there may be a point of diminishing returns when getting links from the same domain over and over.链接根域的数量是比原始链接数量更强的信号,因为它可以更好地表明网站的真实受欢迎程度。如果我们回到谷歌如何将链接视为“投票”,那么从这个意义上说,每个网站只有一票可以给你。不管他们链接到你多少次,他们仍然只算作一票。这不一定是件坏事,但是当一遍又一遍地从同一域获取链接时,可能会出现收益递减的情况。
Multiple links from the same domain can be the result of a number of things. Linking from multiple content pages is one way, but the most common ways are by what we call sitewide links. A sitewide link is a link that is placed in some kind of templated element of the website, such as the header, footer, or sidebar. The most common example is a "blogroll" link, as a blogroll is generally on every page of the website.来自同一域的多个链接可能是多种因素的结果。从多个内容页面链接是一种方式,但最常见的方式是我们所谓的全站链接。全站链接是放置在网站某种模板元素中的链接,例如页眉、页脚或侧边栏。最常见的示例是“blogroll”链接,因为 blogroll 通常位于网站的每个页面上。
In general, these types of links are not as valuable as in-content links from just a few pages. Sitewide links can sometimes be spammy, paid for, and not editorially given in the sense that Google would like. Therefore, you should treat them with caution, only get them from high-quality websites, and don't be too aggressive with your anchor text.一般来说,这些类型的链接不如来自几个页面的内容内链接有价值。站点范围内的链接有时可能是垃圾邮件、付费链接,而不是 Google 想要的那种意义上的编辑。因此,您应该谨慎对待它们,只从高质量的网站获取它们,并且不要对您的锚文本过于激进。
Relevance of the linking page链接页面的相关性
There has always been some debate as to whether relevance is a strong signal used by Google to calculate the value of a link. Logic tells us that it should be, because it’s natural for relevant websites to link to each other. However, what if you get a link from the homepage of the BBC to your website about coffee? You wouldn't reject it just because the BBC website isn't about coffee.关于相关性是否是谷歌用来计算链接价值的强信号,一直存在一些争论。逻辑告诉我们应该如此,因为相关网站相互链接是很自然的。但是,如果您从 BBC 的主页获得一个链接到您的关于咖啡的网站怎么办?您不会因为 BBC 网站与咖啡无关而拒绝它。
If we look beyond link building for a moment though, you still want to bring targeted traffic to your website so that you can try to convert visitors into customers. For this reason alone, you should be trying to place links on websites where potential customers may visit. This means that the value of the link goes far beyond SEO and can become a source of direct income.如果我们暂时超越链接构建,您仍然希望为您的网站带来有针对性的流量,以便您可以尝试将访问者转化为客户。仅出于这个原因,您就应该尝试在潜在客户可能访问的网站上放置链接。这意味着链接的价值远远超出了SEO,可以成为直接收入的来源。
As discussed in the anchor text section above, there are some indications that Google is moving away from anchor text as a strong signal and, instead, could be using analysis of an entire page to attribute relevance to the link. If this proves to be the case, then getting links from relevant pages could become a strong ranking signal.正如上面锚文本部分所讨论的那样,有一些迹象表明,谷歌正在将锚文本作为一个强烈的信号,转而使用对整个页面的分析来确定链接的相关性。如果事实证明确实如此,那么从相关页面获取链接可能会成为一个强大的排名信号。
Right now, best practice should be to focus on quality to make sure you're being passed link equity and on relevance in the sense that you want to attract the right kind of traffic.现在,最佳实践应该是关注质量以确保您通过链接公平性和相关性,因为您希望吸引正确类型的流量。
Position of links on the page链接在页面上的位置
Imagine you live in Seattle and you have a blog about coffee. You're going to share a link with your readers to the website of a local coffee shop that serves the most amazing fresh coffee ever. Where would you place this link on the page?想象一下你住在西雅图,你有一个关于咖啡的博客。您将与您的读者共享一个链接,该链接指向一家供应有史以来最美味的新鲜咖啡的当地咖啡店的网站。你会把这个链接放在页面上的什么位置?
If you really wanted your readers to see it, you'd position it somewhere obvious. Probably in the main body of the page, probably near the top of the page, and probably within some content that explains how amazing the coffee shop is.如果你真的想让你的读者看到它,你会把它放在明显的地方。可能在页面的主体中,可能在页面顶部附近,并且可能在一些解释咖啡店有多棒的内容中。
You probably wouldn't place the link in the footer, right? Many users may not scroll down the page that far, and even if they do, they wouldn't expect to find useful links in that section.您可能不会将链接放在页脚中,对吗?许多用户可能不会向下滚动页面那么远,即使他们这样做了,他们也不希望在该部分找到有用的链接。
Google is able to work out the position of a link on a page, and from this could choose to value it differently. If the link is in the footer of a page, then Google could reduce the value of that link because they assume it isn't a great link for users (otherwise, it wouldn't be hidden away in the footer).谷歌能够计算出链接在页面上的位置,并从中选择不同的价值。如果链接位于页面的页脚中,那么 Google 可以降低该链接的价值,因为他们认为它对用户来说不是一个很好的链接(否则,它不会隐藏在页脚中)。
Google can also use the position of links on a page in aggregate. For example, they could see if 50% of all the links pointing to your website are in some kind of footer. This could indicate low-quality link building, and Google may decide to take a closer look.Google 还可以汇总使用页面上链接的位置。例如,他们可以查看指向您网站的所有链接中是否有 50% 位于某种页脚中。这可能表明链接建设质量低,谷歌可能会决定仔细研究。
Another example could be if Google finds that 50% of the links pointing to your website are from sidebars. Again, on its own, this may be legitimate, but it could also be a signal to Google that you're buying links. Many link brokers will place links in the sidebar of pages as opposed to within the content.另一个例子可能是,如果 Google 发现指向您网站的链接中有 50% 来自侧边栏。同样,就其本身而言,这可能是合法的,但它也可能向 Google 发出您正在购买链接的信号。许多链接经纪人会将链接放在页面的侧边栏中,而不是放在内容中。
Because of this ability, you should make sure that you are getting links from websites which are happy to link from within content wherever possible. There is nothing wrong with the odd sidebar link, but too many of them does not signal a good link profile.由于这种能力,您应该确保您从那些乐于从内容中链接的网站获得链接。奇怪的侧边栏链接没有任何问题,但它们中的太多并不能表示良好的链接配置文件。
You made it! That was The Beginner's Guide to Link Building!你做到了!那是链接建设的初学者指南!
I hope that you’ve enjoyed learning more about link building and now feel that you’re in a position to approach link building in an effective and efficient way.我希望您喜欢了解更多关于链接构建的知识,并且现在觉得您能够以有效和高效的方式进行链接构建。
To conclude, I’d encourage you to really think about the long-term benefits of link building (and SEO generally) throughout your work and avoid the temptation to take short-cuts. I’d also encourage you to really think hard about how you make the websites that you work on link-worthy and able to attract links that you didn’t ask for. Investing time into this now will help you massively long-term and set your website up for success at a time when the online world is only going to become more competitive. Google is also clear in that they only want to reward websites that truly deserve to rank well in their search results.总而言之,我鼓励您在整个工作中真正考虑链接构建(以及通常的 SEO)的长期利益,并避免走捷径的诱惑。我还鼓励您认真思考如何使您工作的网站具有链接价值,并能够吸引您不需要的链接。现在投入时间将帮助您获得长期的巨大帮助,并使您的网站在网络世界竞争日益激烈的时候取得成功。谷歌也很清楚,他们只想奖励真正值得在搜索结果中排名靠前的网站。
Skate to where the puck will be.滑到冰球所在的位置。
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