亲爱的梨粉们,看这里吖!!! 一定要将公众号 设为“星标” 哦~这样就再也不怕错过我的任何消息啦。 我是超级爱码字的雪梨宝宝:外贸新秀,业界卷王。 每天8:00准时给大家推送最专业最全面的外贸干货文章? 更多精品文章请查看博客shelleydigital.com
隆重介绍 Sora,我们的文本转视频模型。Sora 是一个 AI 模型,可以根据文本指令创建现实且富有想象力的场景。Sora 可以生成长达一分钟的视频,同时保持视觉质量并遵守用户的提示。
Sora is becoming available to red teamers to assess critical areas for harms or risks. We are also granting access to a number of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to gain feedback on how to advance the model to be most helpful for creative professionals.
红队成员可以使用 Sora 来评估关键区域的危害或风险。我们还向一些视觉艺术家、设计师和电影制作人提供访问权限,以获取有关如何改进该模型以对创意专业人士最有帮助的反馈。
1. Why are you interested in joining the OpenAI Red Teaming Network?
I am strongly interested in becoming a part of the OpenAI Red Teaming Network as I am eager to actively engage with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. Being a member of this platform would grant me access to state-of-the-art AI technologies such as Sora, enhancing both my technical expertise and hands-on experience. Additionally, it presents a chance for me to play a role in promoting the safety and ethical evolution of the AI domain. I am confident that my participation in this network will enable collaborative efforts with fellow enthusiasts to tackle and resolve challenges in AI technology, contributing to its positive development.
2. What do you think is an important area for OpenAI to be red teaming?
I believe it's crucial for OpenAI Red Teaming to prioritize the ethics and safety of artificial intelligence. With the rapid advancement of AI technologies and their expanding applications, it's increasingly important to guarantee that AI systems make decisions transparently, fairly, and without bias. It's also essential to protect user data privacy and prevent the misuse of AI technology. By conducting thorough red teaming in these specific areas, we can more effectively identify and address potential risks and vulnerabilities, ultimately ensuring the responsible and sustainable progress of AI technology.
现在 sora 还没有对外开放,不要相信市面上任何课程!不要轻易付费!
我们唯一能看到 sora 就是官网的介绍和官网的案例,如果你想学,去官网看看介绍和案例,仅此而已。
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现在可以扫码进群,备注【加群】。 ( 群完全免费,不广告不卖课!)
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