很久没有写干货了~我回归了~费尔曼学习法才是真的适合我,有用的东西都是枯燥~Good Luck~
用以下口令让BING帮忙生成文章的Outline,至于括号里面的内容,比如KW,Targent Audience,content type,writer's point of view,可以丢一篇KW排名TOP10的写得好的文章给Bing让他根据这个文章来回答问题,然后你填充到口令里面。
Create an article outline using H2, H3, and H4 headings and indented bullet points only that follows a logical structure and is easily scannable by the reader. Include examples, case studies, tutorials, and more to provide clear talking points for the writer. Goal is to provide relevant, reliable information in a concise & complete way for the keywords. Final outline should enable a writer to easily understand & write a comprehensive article that will feel helpful, fresh, engaging and reliable to the reader. URLs to enrich the outline:
[URL 1]
[URL 2]
[URL 3] Topic: [Keyword] SEOKeywords: "[Keyword]", "[Keyword]" Target Audience & audience goal: there are [Number] target audiences. 1 - [Target Audience] 2 - [Target Audience] Content type: [The content type (e.g List, How-To etc.)] Writer’s point of view: [Who's writing this article and what is their bio] How this article stands out: [What the reader will find out from us]
Topic: affiliate marketing scams
SEO Keywords:"affiliate marketing scams","is affiliate marketing legit?"
Target Audience & audience goal: there are 2 target audiences. 1- people looking to make a side income online, consider affiliate but want to make sure this safe and they want to avoid getting scammed. 2 - affiliate managers who want to avoid getting scammed by affiliates sending fake sales, fake leads etc. The article should catter to both of these audiences.
Content type: a list of affiliate scams, co-founder of authority hacker, 15 years experience in affiliate
How this article stands out: it gives examples for each scam (search them online)
粘贴准备好的口令,然后得到BING AI的答案如下
Continue the outline from "Scam #3: Fake leads or Sales" don't start over
BING AI生成之后可以对比之前用Chat GTP& NOTION整理的Outline,看下有没有什么遗漏的。
Can you rewrite the outline and split the list of scams into 2 categories: the scams that target affiliate marketers/ publishs and the scams that target advertisers/ caompanies.
Are there subtopics present on pages ranking for "affiliate marketing scams" that are not included in the outline? if not, please brief them now.
格式不同,可以说:Brief these 4 in the same style as the rest of the outline
针对想让AI添加补充内容的口令:Brief a section about transaction fraud in the same style as the rest of the outline
利用BING在线搜索功能,找到最新的内容并让AI去写:research cookie stuffing in affiliate marketing on reddit.com then rebrief the section on cookie stuffing only with your findings.
Case study内容填充演示:
find me an example of a company that got fined for running a get rich quick scheme in affiliate marketing
Google找到BING AI给的案例链接,打开网页,然后用BING AI给出指令:
Write me a bullet point list of how MOBE made money and why they got punished.
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