关注公众号,经常更新投放经验教训,公众号回复“微信群”一起加群讨论投放技巧,目前9个500人的优化师交流微信群+多个垂直行业交流群。 也就和阿根廷比索账户的公告相差了一个周末,尼日户也彻底凉凉。 和前面文章提到阿根廷Google海外户要凉凉基本同一个思路,Google开始收运营费,刚好还和黑市汇率差的部分很接近,摆明了就是别想再薅羊毛,想搞让我来多少钱,至于收到多的奈拉或者阿根廷比索是不是能按照官方汇率换成美金出去我就不确定了,毕竟这两个地区想真按照官方汇率出来美金的成功率基本没有,但是保不准大公司和政府当初就有协议.... 大家都说要不是Google逼着大家把返点都去掉,也不至于这么多代理+大客户一定要去想尽办法搞一些高返点+低返点。给大家留点利润,尤其是代理商,估计就没这么多事了。 考虑到目前国内/USD账户依旧没返点,甚至找代理还要额外收几个点的服务费,所以接下来大家还是会想方设法搞一些别的地区的海外户,比如可能土耳其,甚至当前有人做英镑户,不论是什么形式的海外户,只要国内户没返点,总就有人会去尝试海外户。 原文:Google将使用尼日奈拉支付在尼日之外地区投放的广告收取运营费 Starting August 1, 2023, Google Ads accounts using Nigerian Naira as payment currency will be subject to operating charges if ads are served to users outside of Nigeria. This new surcharge is associated with operating costs related to Nigerian market conditions. The new "Operating Charges" will be levied only on the spend accrued from ad impressions or clicks from users located outside of Nigeria. Example: If you spend ₦100 in Google Ads in August, of which ₦90 are from ads served in the Nigerian territory and the remaining ₦10 are from ads served outside of Nigeria, then the "Operating Charge" will only be levied on the ₦10. Further, if the rate of "Operating charge" in August is, for example 100%, the value of the additional new charge will be ₦10, bringing the total payable for the month of August to ₦110 plus any applicable taxes. The rate of this charge may be adjusted as needed, based on Nigerian market conditions. We estimate the rate may be 60%–70% in August 2023. The up-to-date rate of Operating Charges for subsequent months will be available below and may be updated monthly. 08/2023: 60-70% 09/2023: Rate of “Operating charges” is calculated every month. It will be updated here once available. It is possible for a campaign that targets a particular jurisdiction, for example Nigeria, to show ads to users outside of Nigeria because your business might be in a location of interest for those users. Therefore, as the advertiser, it is your responsibility to ensure your campaign target settings align accurately, such that your ads are shown within your intended jurisdictions. Google will not refund or credit operation charges that were levied due to legitimate clicks and impressions served according to your campaign target settings. To check which jurisdictions your ads are served in, create a custom report in the location and distance reports using the following steps: Create a predefined "Distance" report. Remove all default rows. Add a “Country/Territory (user location)” row. Search for costs outside of Nigeria. If you do not intend your NGN account to serve ads outside of Nigeria, update your location options to target only “Presence: People in or regularly in your targeted locations" if your account was set up incorrectly. See how to update your location options If you are not domiciled in Nigeria and do not intend your Google Ads account to use NGN (Nigerian Naira) as your payment currency, migrate your campaigns to a new account with a currency other than Nigerian Naira (You cannot change the currency of an existing account). See how to copy your campaigns to a new account See how to add account budgets to your new accounts in bulk (for monthly invoicing accounts) 出海流量玄学研究中心,不定期分享信息流广告优化师投放技巧,主要内容为海外facebook,google,TikTok ads广告投放技巧分享,欢迎大家关注,分享内容,也欢迎大家分享更多关于游戏出海,跨境电商广告投放技巧。 如果有投放专业领域需要咨询,请加知识星球提问,个人微信不答疑 长按图片加知识星球Operating Charges in Nigerian Naira accounts serving ads outside of Nigeria
What will be the Rate of Operating Charges
When will the Operating Charges be billed
Monthly invoicing
Additional information
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