
一定要将公众号 设为“星标” 哦~这样就再也不怕错过我的任何消息啦。




在竞争激烈的外贸领域,利用领英(LinkedIn)开发客户已成为众多外贸高手的必备技能。然而,如何在领英上与潜在客户开启对话,打破那层 “冰墙”,却是许多人面临的难题。

一、“价值型” 话术

尊敬的 [客户姓名],我留意到您在 [行业领域] 的深入见解,深感钦佩。我们公司专注于为像您这样的行业先锋提供 [具体产品或服务],通过 [具体优势,如创新技术、成本优化方案等],已帮助众多企业提升了 [X]% 的 [业务指标,如生产效率、市场份额等]。我想,这或许能为您的业务发展带来新的助力,不知您是否有兴趣了解一下?

Dear [Client Name], I have noticed your profound insights in [Industry Field] and deeply admire them. Our company specializes in providing [Specific Product or Service] for industry pioneers like you. Through [Specific Advantages, such as innovative technology, cost - optimization solutions, etc.], we have helped numerous enterprises increase [Business Indicator, e.g., production efficiency, market share, etc.] by [X]%. I think this may bring new impetus to your business development. Are you interested in learning more?

二、“共同兴趣型” 话术

[客户姓名] 您好!偶然发现我们都对 [共同兴趣点,比如某行业展会、某项新技术趋势等] 有着浓厚的兴趣。在这个领域,我了解到一些前沿动态和实用案例,相信对您的工作也会有所启发。正好借此机会,与您交流交流,说不定能碰撞出不一样的火花呢!

Hello, [Client Name]! I accidentally found that we both have a strong interest in [Common Interest Point, such as a certain industry exhibition, a new technology trend, etc.]. In this field, I have learned some cutting - edge developments and practical cases, which I believe will also inspire your work. Just take this opportunity to communicate with you. Maybe we can spark different ideas!

三、“解决痛点型” 话术

您好,[客户姓名]。我了解到目前 [目标客户所在行业] 普遍面临着 [具体痛点,如供应链不稳定、产品质量难题等] 问题,而我们公司经过多年研发与实践,成功推出了 [针对性解决方案],有效帮助多家企业解决了这一困扰。我觉得您或许也在关注此类问题,不知是否方便与您分享一下我们的成功经验?

Hello, [Client Name]. I understand that currently, the [Industry where the target client is located] generally faces problems such as [Specific Pain Points, e.g., unstable supply chain, product quality issues, etc.]. Our company has successfully launched [Targeted Solution] after years of research and practice, effectively helping many enterprises solve this trouble. I think you may also be concerned about such issues. Is it convenient for me to share with you our successful experience?

四、“赞美型” 话术

尊敬的 [客户姓名],浏览您的领英主页,被您丰富的职业经历和卓越的行业成就深深吸引。特别是您在 [具体项目或成就] 中的出色表现,令人赞叹。我在从事外贸工作过程中,一直期望能向像您这样优秀的专业人士学习。今天冒昧联系,希望能有机会与您交流,请教一些行业相关的问题,不知您是否愿意赐教?

Dear [Client Name], when browsing your LinkedIn profile, I was deeply attracted by your rich professional experience and outstanding industry achievements. Especially your excellent performance in [Specific Project or Achievement] is amazing. During my work in foreign trade, I have always hoped to learn from outstanding professionals like you. I take the liberty to contact you today, hoping to have the opportunity to communicate with you and ask some industry - related questions. Would you be willing to give me some advice?

五、“行业洞察型” 话术

[客户姓名],您好!近期我对 [目标客户所在行业] 进行了深入研究,发现了一个有趣的趋势,即 [阐述行业趋势,如新兴市场崛起、消费需求转变等]。我认为这一趋势将对行业格局产生重大影响,而我们公司在应对此类变化方面有着独特的策略和方案。相信这些内容对您制定业务规划会有所帮助,能否占用您一点时间,与您详细探讨一下?

[Client Name], hello! Recently, I have conducted an in - depth study on the [Industry where the target client is located] and found an interesting trend, that is, [Describe the industry trend, such as the rise of emerging markets, the transformation of consumer demand, etc.]. I believe this trend will have a significant impact on the industry pattern. Our company has unique strategies and solutions to deal with such changes. I believe these contents will be helpful for you to formulate business plans. Can I take a little of your time to discuss them with you in detail?

六、“个性化推荐型” 话术

亲爱的 [客户姓名],通过对您领英资料的仔细分析,结合您的业务方向,我发现我们公司的一款 [具体产品或服务] 与您的需求高度契合。这款 [产品或服务名称] 具有 [详细介绍产品或服务的独特卖点,如定制化功能、独家技术等],能够精准满足您在 [具体业务场景] 中的需求。为了让您更直观地了解,我已准备了一份详细的资料,方便的话,我可以发给您参考一下。

Dear [Client Name], through a careful analysis of your LinkedIn profile, combined with your business direction, I found that one of our company's [Specific Product or Service] highly matches your needs. This [Product or Service Name] has [Describe the unique selling points of the product or service in detail, such as customized functions, exclusive technology, etc.], which can accurately meet your needs in [Specific Business Scenario]. To give you a more intuitive understanding, I have prepared a detailed material. If it is convenient, I can send it to you for reference.

七、“活动邀请型” 话术

[客户姓名],您好!我们公司即将举办一场关于 [与目标客户业务相关的主题] 的线上研讨会 / 线下活动,届时将邀请行业内多位资深专家分享最新的行业动态和实战经验。我深知您在该领域的专业造诣,诚挚地邀请您参加。相信这次活动将为您提供一个拓展人脉、获取前沿信息的绝佳机会,期待您的参与!

[Client Name], hello! Our company is about to hold an online seminar /offline event on [A topic related to the target client's business]. At that time, many senior experts in the industry will be invited to share the latest industry trends and practical experience. I know your professional attainments in this field very well and sincerely invite you to participate. I believe this event will provide you with an excellent opportunity to expand your network and obtain cutting - edge information. Looking forward to your participation!

八、“问题引导型” 话术

您好,[客户姓名]。我是从事外贸行业的 [你的名字],最近在研究 [目标客户所在行业] 时,遇到了一些困惑,想向您请教一下。在当前 [具体市场环境或业务情境] 下,您认为企业应如何 [提出一个与客户业务相关的关键问题,如提升品牌竞争力、拓展国际市场等]?您在行业内经验丰富,相信您的见解一定能让我受益匪浅。

Hello, [Client Name]. I am [Your Name] engaged in the foreign trade industry. Recently, when researching the [Industry where the target client is located], I encountered some confusion and would like to consult you. In the current [Specific Market Environment or Business Situation], how do you think enterprises should [Put forward a key question related to the client's business, such as enhancing brand competitiveness, expanding the international market, etc.]? You have rich experience in the industry. I believe your insights will benefit me a lot.

九、“合作机会型” 话术

尊敬的 [客户姓名],我发现我们公司与贵司在业务上有许多潜在的合作点。例如,我们在 [具体产品或服务领域] 拥有强大的生产能力和优质的产品资源,而贵司在 [目标市场或销售渠道方面] 有着显著优势。若我们携手合作,或许能够实现资源共享、优势互补,共同开拓更广阔的市场。不知您对这种合作模式是否感兴趣?

Dear [Client Name], I found that there are many potential cooperation points between our company and yours in business. For example, we have strong production capacity and high - quality product resources in [Specific Product or Service Field], while your company has significant advantages in [Target Market or Sales Channel]. If we work together, we may be able to achieve resource sharing, complementary advantages, and jointly explore a broader market. Are you interested in this cooperation model?

十、“热点关联型” 话术

[客户姓名],您好!近期 [行业内发生的热点事件,如政策调整、重大技术突破等] 引发了广泛关注,我相信这也与您的业务息息相关。我们公司针对这一热点事件,进行了深入的分析和研究,并制定了相应的应对策略。这些策略可能会为您的企业带来新的发展机遇,我很乐意与您分享我们的研究成果,不知您是否有时间交流一下?

[Client Name], hello! Recently, [Hot Event in the Industry, such as policy adjustment, major technological breakthrough, etc.] has attracted widespread attention. I believe this is also closely related to your business. Our company has conducted an in - depth analysis and research on this hot event and formulated corresponding countermeasures. These strategies may bring new development opportunities for your enterprise. I am very happy to share our research results with you. Do you have time to communicate?












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